Looks Great!

With a great cast at that. I'm surprised there's no more talk about this movie. I'm a fan of John Corbett and I like alot of Denise Richards' movies. This one looks like a good one too.


i am a big fan of kim basinger and i can't wait to see her again....haven't seen kim anymore so it should be fun seeing her again on the screen....i hope this movie will do good in the box office....i think director joel zwick has a lot of success directing movies so i don't see any reason why this one is not...


Looks like a good story too. A woman kills Elvis Impersonators. They should give her a medal.


Lord-Z, you sound awfully ignorant.

-"A woman kills Elvis Impersonators. They should give her a medal."

What do you have against Elvis? He did nothing except give good music to you. And the plot didn't say that she killed them. It said that she's trying to avoid going down for it.


I love Elvis, in a non gay way. I hate impersonators


I am a big fan of Kim Basinger too! This movie sounds great!
