Elvis and DELL...

Hi General Public and Critics :)
Yet another entertaining movie by Joel Zwick.
I could not help noticing out the constant appearing of DELL equipment throughout the whole movie. There are DELL laptops, desktops and monitors on display EVERYWHERE all the time. It's like a big sale with actors. Now I am trying to be as objective as possible and I understand advertising needs but that's just irritating and quite frankly close to pathetic. This somehow identifies the movie is ran on a low budget. Advertising (well, to this extent) in a movie is trusted to be always a BAD THING (tm). Sorry DELL, I'm not buying a laptop from you. Otherwise the movie is indeed watchable and the cast performs well. Kim's Memphis like accent is not to miss.


Dell is very heavy on product-placement, its like whatever im watching on tv nowadays theres a Dell monitor with the camera focusing on the brand.

Sad but true.


Maybe is because DELL makes and sells a lot of good laptops? OK, there was product placement, but...
