oh my gosh!!

i loved this movie! i thought it was really good! what does everyone else think about it?


I saw this movie three weeks after returning from my mission in Chile, and I rolled my eyes so hard they almost got lodged in the back of my skull. It was drivel. You know what a real problem on a mission is? Not getting dumped by some bimbo back home...try walking around one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in a third world country in a suit with an American passport--not to mention everyone's on an anti-American kick. Having a companion who says "frick" all the time is nothing...try sitting on the toilet with cramps from 11:00 'til 5:00 in the morning, and getting up at 6:30 and going about the rest of the day like nothing happened.

The gospel principles were presented as cloying and saccrine. Only teenage Utahns would be naive enough to think that this is what the mission is. Go watch God's Army if you want to know the REAL highs and the REAL lows of serving a mission for the Lord. Don't get me wrong, I would NEVER trade those two years of my life for anything...however I would show God's Army to a prospective missionary (or prospective convert, for that matter) and I would bury The Best Two Years deeper into the ground than the slothful servant buries his talent in the new testament.


I'm sure God's Army does a better job of portraying what a mission is "really" like, but I still think I liked this one better.
I disagree with your point about "being dumped by a bimbo", though. My uncle's girlfriend dumped him when he was on his mission and he said that was the hardest time he had during those two years (he went to Brazil).

Ahoy! Morons off the port bow!


Dude, It's a MOVIE! Chill! No one thinks that is all missions are. And stuff like that IS how a lot of missions are. My sisters boyfriend is in Eugene Oregon right now and it sound almost the exact SAME! So just because You had it rough doesn't mean EVERYONE will.


Are you saying that LDS members born and raised in Utah are morons?


It's the same thing with star wars! When I got back from my 7 year space adventure, I watched star wars and thought it was stupid and inacurite...Only a little earthling that likes chicken tacos would be so naive enough to to think that that's what space is like!

lol. It's a stinkin movie! A source of entertainment! Not a documentation!


I served in the United States, and I thought it was extremely accurate to a mission in a first world country where most people are not particularly religious. I have also been to Holland, and the people and city reminded me a lot of Boston (where I served). So, this movie really reminded me of crappy apartments, broken refrigerators and showers, and riding a bike around the city. We even had a greenie convert from Alabama. We didn't have issues with dysentery or guerrilla warfare. Maybe you need to make a movie about South American missions. For me, this one was perfect.


yeah, it was great


My favorite Mormon movie. I didnt like Gods Army much because it was so depressing and not uplifting at all, which I think Mormon movies are (should) be! I loved this movie!

Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen. Bear it well..."


I loved it too. It was enjoyable, which all films should be. I didn't like God's Army, the new missionary was to whiny. But it all depends on ome's point of view.


God's Army was inspirational, must this was way more fun to watch. It brings the four main mission attitudes and puts them together in one building. Very heartwarming. And my cousin sent one of those "dear john' letters off to her boyfriend. I felt totally sorry for him but it goes to show that those kind of things happen!


i agree... i thought it was a really good movie. i'm not mormon, but i watched it with two friends of mine that are missionaries here, and they laughed about it and said 'you know, that's not what it's really like, but it's still a really good movie'
now if you'll excuse me... i'm off to get some copies of the book of mormons. ;p


It is the best LDS movie ever made. It's funny, got some information about my religion, it's awesome. I actually saw it at an activity when I was 12 at one of my leaders houses. It was soo funny, I told my dad right away and we bought it. I would also recommend the movie "The Home Teachers" it's hilarious.


I have to say that this is the second best LDS movie ever made. First has got to be Singles Ward. Its just so satireclly true to how singles wards really are ( you know its true ). This movie was a great cross section of different missionary personalities that are out there. ****1/2 of *****


Ya, twas great. I like the theme song.
