The dummy slayed me

I thought I was going to piss myself. Also, Lorenzo and his "sack of a 25 year old", had me going as well. Finally a reality show with some humor.


The deaf girl with the dummy bit had me laughing so hard. It was like something you'd see in a sitcom not a reality show.



I know, I almost died... better than a sitcom, for sure. I don't know how they all kept a straight face. Laughing right now just thinking about it..

...There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in


the european casual pouch might be the greatest thing ive ever heard. i love the ceremony where they have to have a heart to heart with their 'spirit animals' before casting their vote


Karlee: "Hi, how are you?"

Dummy, interpreter: "Hello, Karlee."

Karlee: "I'm so happy to hear that."

Something along those lines. Better script than any network comedy I've seen this season.

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Yup. This show is off-the-wall funny. I'm loving every minute of it.


Finally a reality show with some humor.

I don't watch any reality shows, but I did watch the first two seasons of this and now the new one. (second one was awful and its good to see they've learned from their mistakes)

But this isn't really a traditional reality show as much as it is a comedy show. Sure, it's a reality show setting and has the same general structure of one, but the point of the show is really one big gag. So I'd classify it more as a comedy than a reality show. I'm not watching it to see who wins (obviously) or how the people get along, who gets voted out, etc....basically none of the reasons you watch a reality show. Instead, I'm watching purely for the crafted humor that comes from having one guy get duped by an entire cast of actors.

Oh, and the dummy was hilarious. That one shot in episode two when they are getting ready to vote and there is a lot of dramatic shots of everyone and then one really quick one of the dummy turning his head quickly had me literally on the floor holding my sides.


when lorenzo unveils the "casual pouch" the deaf girl covers the dummy eyes (-:
