MovieChat Forums > Rey Mysterio: 619 Discussion > Can someone please tell me.....

Can someone please tell me.....

Why can't we get to see his face when we already have seen his face when he lost his mask to the outsiders years ago?? I know he says that the mask is everything to him, but come on - we know how he looks..
I thought when wrestlers looses their mask they aren't allowed to wear it again..
And please do not take this message as something bad about rey, because he is absolutely my all-time favourite wrestler - I'm just curious to know..



I don't think we will ever see it again


Mexican tradition, once you lose your mask, you can never wear it again.

I can't think of something that will make you remember my quote.



Yeah, when a wrestler loses their mask they aren't allowed to wear it again, but they are allowed to recreate another mask and wear that, which Rey did. It may look the same but if you look real close, its not! But I do think its weird that we've seen his face and they're hiding it...




If you lose your mask and wear it again you can get banned from wrestling in Mexico.

We've got a dead body in the house and your first idea is to sexually assault it!
