MovieChat Forums > Pizza Discussion > this film sucked

this film sucked

I'm sorry, but it did. It tried to be something it wasn't, and ended up being a corny piece of *beep*

It all started when I went to blockbuster looking for a good movie, and I read the back cover of this film (the back description was very misleading) and thought I was getting a though-provoking teen coming of age film. Instead, I got an annoying fat girl running around with an idiot man in a pizza truck who accomplish nothing in the hour and a half that this film wasted of my life.

That Kylie Sparks was so annoying. I'm glad she's not doing anymore work, because this film certainly showed how untalented she was (and unattractive. I don't mean to sound like a stuck-up b itch, but seriously that girl is unhealthily fat AND couldn't act her way out of a paper bag)

Rarely do I have to give a film a 1 out of 10, but this film was so bad it MADE me hate it. It took me three days to get through it, cause I had to keep shutting it off in boredom.

There is no God, Nature sufficeth unto herself; in no wise hath she need of an author


Ummm...Kylie Sparks has been on two series since she was in this movie, one of them being "Desperate Housewives." In other words, she has gotten steady work since this movie and it appears that some casting directors disagree with your assessment of her acting abilities.

If you "don't mean to sound like a stuck up b itch" (sic), then don't express yourself the way you do. Personal attacks on an actress have nothing to do with an assessment of a movie she's in.


Should I

1. Care what someone who insults fat people thinks,
2. Ignore this post

You figure it out


"If you "don't mean to sound like a stuck up b itch" (sic), then don't express yourself the way you do."

I agree. People who say stuff like "I don't mean to be a """ need to think before they speak, because if they don't they usually do end up sounding like one.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


While I agree with the admonitions regarding personal attacks against people rather than a studied examination of their work, I must admit this movie was not good and one of the big reasons is the lack of ability and overall annoying nature of Sparks. I can see how this performance would incite such personal animus towards her.
