cold pizza?

Hi. I am a pizza delivery guy in Holland and I have this image of american pizza boys that delivering pizza's is like a newspaper route where you have lot's of adresses and lots of time to deliver everything, and that nobody cares if the pizza is hot or cold. Like the guy in family guy and in this movie. I have a big heating box in the car and have to drive real fast to get people their pizza in half an hour waiting time. there is no time to waste.
please tell me all the stuff in movies is not true and it's the same in america?


i live in the us, and found this movie very annoying that he was taking so long to deliver pizzas. yes, delivery people here in the states of heated bags with multiple pizzas and must drive quickly stop to stop.


Of course the stuff in the movies and television are true about America! Why is it so hard to believe that Rachel on Friends works as a coffeeshop waitress, yet lives in a $5,000 a month apartment in Chelsea? It's because we do whatever we want in America!


Not to mention we are all made of silicone and botox. And there is no acne here.

Censorship is advertising paid by the government.


Why is it so hard to believe that Rachel on Friends works as a coffeeshop waitress, yet lives in a $5,000 a month apartment in Chelsea?

I wish this was possible, It is exactly what I would be doing right now.

It's jUsT LiKe cAbO
