Yeah! Helen Hunt

So long long time that I want to see her film,but not have any chance to take that,'cause I'm not living in US and the last of her film that come to my country is Castaway.So hope that when this drama on air on HBO,I would have that nice chance to see her film


Gotta love Helen Hunt.


Yes helen is great. What country do you live in?


I thought she played Janine very well. But there are a lot of HH bashers here...I think they are only bashing her because she is a female. Everyone seems to love Phillip Seymour Hoffman...I find him overrated and still unattractive.


I'm a fan of Helen Hunt's. Still remember when she played Murray's daughtere on the MTM show.

But I think Philip Seymour Hoffman is a great actor, although not in this movie.
