Major Problem with this game

I have one major beef with this game. That being repetition. I know you all know what I mean. It's the act of wrestling the same 1 or 2 wrestlers every week. This current season I decided to include the Sheik and Volkoff for tag-team purposes. The problem is that every single week I'm wreslting either one or the other including PPV's. Occasionally I get to wrestle the legend Taker but no-one else. This is something I don't understand. I really hope they fix this for Raw vs. Smackdown!

"If you wish to find, you must search. Rarely does a good idea inturrupt you"-Jim Rohn



Yeah it happens when you fall out of the planned storyline by losing it's a right bugger. I had 3 tag team title shots which I didn't want within a month


I created a wrestler named The Phoenix. He's made a girlfriend out of every WWE diva, won every title possible, wins the elimination chamber match with reletive ease, and is the greatest submission wrestler you'll ever see. Love that Tazzmission!!

"We all go a little mad sometimes"-Norman Bates
