
I haven't seen this movie yet, but it looks to me like a really bad lifetime movie.


I would definitely put this in a Lifetime Movie category..however, it did intrigue me. Also liked the movie Unfaithful, which is another R rated flick with Lifetime potential.

Don't get me *bleeping* started!


I wouldn't put this in a lifetime category, not sure why, but it just didn't seem like one to me. Not that Lifetime movies are bad though.



This is definitely not a Lifetime movie because in Lifetime movies husbands ALWAYS forgive wives who cheat on them (while wives, on the other hand, either don't forgive their cheating husbands or allow them back into the family unit only on a conditional or probationary basis).


NOt enough soap opera drama going on in this movie to be on lifetime... More of a late-night Starz filler.
