MovieChat Forums > Madre Teresa (2003) Discussion > Has anyone else felt this movie had a pr...

Has anyone else felt this movie had a profound effect on them? I did.

I went to this movie sponsered by the Tear Fund last night, one of my main reasons being that the cost of the ticket all went to charity and I to be honest knew only a little about mother Teresa. But this movie was beautiful.
I wasn't looking at the movie it as a film study, because if I was I'm sure I would have found flaws. But I found it to be instead an image straight from the streets of poverty in a third wold country.
I've seen it. I've lived in China for 2 and a half years and my parents worked as missionarys in an orphanage and a college.
This movie brought back all that. People walk past beggars, the sick - young and old- with barley any notice, but the corrage and mercy for mother Teresa and her fellow catholics to take in these dirty people and give them hope is an amazing thing.

I haven't really cried in a movie for many many years, not even for the great movie- Grave of the Fireflies. I felt the reality of what christ went through in The Passion and I can say it effected me....
But this movie changed me.

I caught myself crying so many times, even with my friends around, and at one piont i almost burst into tears and could easily have done if I hadn't caught myself. I didn't care though. Most of the audiance left the cinema with red eyes.

The person's life displayed here is a life we should all look to for wisdom, mercy and strength. I have recomended this movie to all I have talked to today and recommend it to you. It is a powerful vision of a humble lady's life. And she doesn't take any credit for it.

Go and see it.


I agree.

This film should be on VHS or DVD. Weather or not one is Catholic this film shows what a selfless person can accomplish in this world.

Olivia Hussey deserved an Academy Award but this type of film just does not fit into today's mainstream cinema. Too bad.


She was an awesome person.

Obviously, you have lost possesion of your Yiddish Cup!- Neil J. Bauman


Beautiful post!

I have so many times tried to see this film but now that I read this I am going to definitely watch it very soon! :D

"For He gave his only Son to save us from sin!"


Saw this recently, and the only thing it made me feel was a profound desire to re-read Christopher Hitchens' expose of 'Madre', "The Missionary Position".

And I now realize more than ever before how well did Hitchens ever draw a perfect bullseye on this preeminent holy fraud and ghoulish huckster.


Mother Teresa: a 10. The movie: a 7.5

"She let me go."
~White Oleander


Just saw this tonight on the EWTN Catholic cable channel, quite by chance.
Beautifully done, cast, acting, sets were great. Inspired performances by all.
Really made my evening ! Might have more later....

