My only real problem....

Isn't a gay soccer movie redundant?

Because, you is a gay sport.

"I am Keith Hernandez."


Yeah.. I figure the negative-negative mathematical point plays in here.

a gay movie about a gay sport proves a positive?


No, what makes you think that???

Oh, are you American? Yeah well, sorry for you, then, I feel sorry. In this case of course you are clueless. You have been told that "Football" is really that idiotic game they show on your american TV, right? And that's why they call THAT "Football" and the other is called "Soccer", huh???

Oh, you poor American, maybe somebody should enlighten you that the REST OF THE WORLD (yes, believe it or not, there is a world outside the USA!) calls that Football what you call "Soccer".
Yes, really, everybody in the whole wide world refers to soccer as "Football", and what YOU think is "Football" we call "American Football".

And about your comment: wrong again.

The movie mirrored the situation absolutely correct: Soccer is often homophobic, and therefore you have zero players coming out. To come out might be the end of their profesional carreer, and the movie took up this topic quite well.
The leading character Ecki is kicked out of his hometown team after it was revealed he was gay. The guys on his team acted just as smalltown-footballplayers would act, like homophobic apes.

It is a great movie and very heartwarming, romantic and entertaining.

And when I saw the trailers on my rental DVD, I got angry again: these american idiots have rated it. THIS IS A FAMILY MOVIE for everyone over 6 (six), so why pretend you must be 18 to see this?

Yes, that's how they are: they teach their 9-year-olds how to shoot with guns (really, that is legal!), and vioelence is shown everywhere.
You can go to Iraq and kill other people there, or get killed, that is just fine. But you CANNOT see naked bodies or hear people talk about gay issues.


Every sport is homophobic.

In Australia, one of the best players in NRL came out and then quickly retired so he wouldn't have to face the media and NRL club pressure to retire.

Actually now that I think about it the NRL has been pretty good about it, they don't refer to him as the gay footy player, but as one of Australias best footy players. I guess we're come along way here in australia considering that up until I think it was 1997 (or something?) it was technically still illegal to be gay in Tasmainia. but then again it IS still TECHNICALLY illegal to have sex with your sister in tasmainia (only australians will get this joke kk :D)

We call it soccer here purely because we already have 3 types of football. But in Australia soccer isn't a very popular sport anyway. We prefer footy and cricket... ew i hate cricket.

anywho, thats all and have a nice day.


have to disagree with you here But in Australia soccer isn't a very popular sport anyway.

I know for the facts that there is many players from Australia that plays in big european clubs or there is mnay that plays in european clubs
