Release Date?

Anybody know when this movie is gonna be released? IMDB hinted anytime in 2007. But, this movie was completed last year. And, last year they said it was gonna come out this year. I can see a pattern already. Has it been cancelled?


It is going to be released in the USA in February 2007:


This movie will go straight to video. They will probably have a limited Feb 2007 release (in like 10 theatres or something) and it will be released on DVD a couple of months later.

This was an independent film, and it doesn't seem as if any distributor picked it up.




I recently saw this movie at the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in
Los Angeles. It was awesome! I can't wait for it to "come out" in the
theaters! It's a great date movie! (for straight or gay couples!)
It was very thought provoking. It was the first film I have seen that truly
portrayed the coming out experience for a woman in a positive, beautiful STYLISH way! I loved Rachel Shelley as the character Julia and I thought Tom
Cavanaugh was a babe! The scene where Gray and Sam (Heather and Tom)
are in the elevator had me crying and cheering at the same time.
I was told in LA that it's getting a major release by the same company
that did Crash. I can't say enough good things about this film, including
the sound track! Anyone know if it's out yet?


Don't know about a release date, but it's going to be at the Hamptons International Film Festival this month (Oct 20th at 6pm in Southampton & Oct 21st at 7:30pm in East Hampton):


We saw this Oct. 18 at a free showing in Phoenix, and got the distinct impression that the film is running into trouble, as in: not playing well for test audiences.

They had us fill out a two-page questionnaire, and selected several people to stay for interviews.

The film was very slow and boring, and full of cliches and obvious outcomes. Much of the male lead's dialogue was mumbled so as to be unintelligible.

Our expectation is that it may go straight to video.

The questions they asked suggested that they thought "straight" audiences would feel uncomfortable in certain scenes. I never felt uncomfortable, but I did think about leaving because it was boring. The only recent (2003) commercial (non-festival) film I thought about walking out of was "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle", which may have been worse than this one, but I had paid a lot to see that one on the first day, and just forced myself to sit through it. With "Gray Matters" I knew they were going to ask our opinions at the end, and felt somewhat obligated to see it through.

In this film, the writer was the director was the producer. In a film that succeeds, the director and writer may bicker back and forth until they come to an idea that works. This time there was evidently no one to say "Wait a minute -- what about this?"


I am curious to know why the writer Ron thought Gray Matters was boring.
I saw it at the Hampton's Film Festival and I can assure you no was bored.



i need to know too!!!!!!!is it happy ending will be happen on This movie cause i cant wait to see it.HEATHER & BRIDGWT ARE TOTALLY SEXY TOGETHER.


Can't wait to see this movie either!!! looks fun and light!!

You will find the gate that's open, even though your spirit's broken


Well so is there any way this film will be released on DVD any time soon?

Because I really dont think that it will be released in Germany.
Esoteric is, when cellulitis moves from the ass to the brain.


Gray Matters opens nationwide tomorrow, March 9th!


Does anyone know if this movie is on DVD or in theatres? Becasue I can't seem to find it anywhere and I don't know if it just isn't open in Chicago or what. Please help me!
Willow: I'm a bloodsucking feind! Look at my outfit!


From the official Gray Matters movie website:


Irvine, CA -- Westpark 8 Cinemas
Scottsdale, AZ -- Shea 14 Theatre
Tucson, AZ -- Century El Con 20 Theatre
Portland, OR -- Fox Tower 10
Seattle, WA -- Meridian 16
Sausalito, CA -- Marin

Philadelphia, PA -- Riverview Plaza 17
Washington, DC -- Dupont

Chicago, IL -- Pipers Alley 4, Cinearts 6
Cleveland, OH -- Cedar Lee Theaters
Birmingham, MI -- Uptown Birmingham 8
Kansas City, MO -- Palace 15

Chamblee, GA -- Hollywood 24
Dallas, TX -- Angelika Film Center & Cafe
Houston, TX -- Angelika Film Center
Miami, FL - Palace 18
Winter Park, FL -- Winter Park Village 20
Tampa, FL -- Veterans Expressway 24
Sarasota, FL -- Hollywood 20


Thanks much

Willow: I'm a bloodsucking feind! Look at my outfit!


i actually saw it in chicago on March 5 I believe. A guy in Virgin Megastore gave me and my friends free passes. I thought it was very good!


It would be awesome, when the movie comes out on german cinema's. :D
Is there any chance? I hope so very much!!!


I hope it will be released in Germany. And hopefully not dubbed in any way and with no subtitles ...
Esoteric is, when cellulitis moves from the ass to the brain.


*lol* Still believing in miracles? ;)

Na, as for me, they don't _have_ to dub it.
From a economical point of view dubbing is the only way to reach a broader audience (or have you seen 'Loving Annabelle' in a regular cinema yet? At the festivals it was just the original version and dvd release is set for summer or autumn '07 here in Germany).
I'm hoping for a dvd release. So we can have both (dubs and maybe even subs *g*). I'd love a theatre release, but I do think that's not gonna happen soon. "Imagine Me & You" (or: "Eine Hochzeit zu dritt"... :-X) was in theatres near my homeplace for about a week, maybe two, in May '06. Then there was the dvd release in autumn '06. I'd have loved it the other way around. *g* Seems that "Loving Annabelle" won't be released in theatres, and I do think "Nina's Heavenly Delights" won't be released, too.

But I'm babbling... lets just hope for an international success. :)


I guess ppl who wasn't able to see it, including myself, will have to wait 'till June 19th...Really can't wait for JUNE!!!

You will find the gate that's open, even though your spirit's broken
