The 3 Ghouls

This film scares me, I don't know why because it's not even that good, it just happens to creep me the hell out. Anyhow I think the mysteriousness behind the 3 shadows charcters really worked well, and I loved the little glimpses of them throughout the film.
So what did you think they were? Ghosts, demons, spirits of murderers etc?

Personally I think they were some sort of demons who just didn't like Jonathan meddling with the dead. However that doesn't explain why they spoke to that workman...

So I dunno, whatcha reckon?


I don't know who the 3 phantoms were because it is never explained in the film. And it is also never explained how the workman did their bidding. What kind of hold did they have over him? I thought the film was okay until this mediocre conclusion. It was a weak ending that spoils the film.


I agree that the three ghouls – the Trinity of Evil, if you will – don't make much sense, except perhaps as The McGuffin.
What made even less sense was the idea that they could command a construction worker in Keaton's project to kidnap, torture and kill women, all in company time! And for no apparent reason, either.
The finale was pretty lame, despite all the wrestling and the shooting.
One question, if the woman strapped to the chair had her mouth taped shut, whose screams summoned Keaton to the third floor?


'I agree that the three ghouls – the Trinity of Evil, if you will – don't make much sense, except perhaps as The McGuffin.'

The Trinity of Evil... I like that.
I've been calling them The Three but yours is better :)


I liked this film, at least until the ending; anti-climactic. But, I suppose, that's like a lot of spine chillers. Heck, I would have settled to a more mysterious ending than Michael Keaton having any sort of physical interaction with the evil spirits. I would have liked to have seen Keaton take over for Ian McNeice and help others with their connections to the departed. Maybe a greater interaction with the blind psychic.

Were the evil spirits that trounced Michael Keaton at the end of the film the 3 ghouls? Yeah, they were creepy but, heck, they could have been Zod, Ursa, and Non for all that I know.


hello sabata101.
i think the "three ghouls" are the souls/spirits of very mean dead folk. perhaps in life they were killers or pychopathic serial killers.
that hovever is speculative. but if they were such imagine how in death
that which they obtained in life. -pleasure in torture and violent habit-they crave a continuace.
i think that the 3 ghouls have combined their astral force to enter our corporal realm and possess a living person to do as they did in life.
they must feel pleasure vicariously. second hand so to speak.
i think they were just "toyin" with him, because they could. the finis proves
they could never be threatened !


i think that the 3 ghouls have combined their astral force to enter our corporal realm and possess a living person to do as they did in life.

I agree, the killer does say they made him do it




Was there any significance in the shot at the end where the 3 detective/officers stand in the exact same position as the silhouette of the 3 ghouls?


I totally agree Mark.....that must be the image the Keaton character see's just before his demise...the last image before the dreaded the faceless policemen, merged with the spooks that killed him!

