MovieChat Forums > Tristan + Isolde (2006) Discussion > Tristan's Hair, and book, lol.

Tristan's Hair, and book, lol.

Hello everyone,

So I've been watching this movie since it first came out on dvd. I've pretty much watched it every other night to fall asleep to (alternating with Pride and Prejudice). So, I'm pretty much a huge fan.

But one thing that gets me is Tristan's/James Franco's hair! It is like the most gorgeous/heavenly/beautiful hair I've ever seen on a guy in my life! Does anyone else have like this weird love for his hair in this movie?
Obviously James Franco's gorgeous too, and everyone in here is an AMAZINGLY talented actor, but his hair.. ahg. Beautiful.

Also, I'm reading the trilogy of a Tristan and Isolde adaption written by Rosalind Miles. It isnt' a lot like the movie, but very well written and has a great backstory & plot (includes King Arthur, Guenevere, and Merlin). I'm recommending it for a good read. =)

Okay, that's all. I'm done rambling now, haha.

It was a joke! Do you not get the concept of a joke, or sarcasm possibly?


Also loved his hair :-) And him really, gorgeous ;-) It's that sensitity he conveys xxx


Well, James Franco is gorgeous in anything.


if you have hair like that in real world, people frown upon you and call you a hobo, i know that coz i have thick wavy hair and i used to wear it long like that for 4 years much to the dislike of people at work and school, when it comes to women, most of them prefer the clean cut look, however there are few who liked my long wavy hair. i prefer to keep it long its just not appropriate in todays world.


Yeah, I get what you mean. But there's a difference between long and wavy/straight and medium length and curly. I wouldn't consider his hair long, as it didn't touch his shoulders, and because it's curly it looks shorter.


I was sure your were gonna point out that they didn't really have any books in those days, such as what Isolde was holding while reading poetry to Tristan.

But you didn't.. darn!


Good point. Wait, they had books (of sorts) in Roman times. Since this was after the fall of the Roman empire, it *is* possible she could have had a book, considering her status and wealth. Although the book wouldn't have been so modern.
The more interesting flub-up concerning the book is that the poem she was reading from it wasn't written until the 1700's, I believe.

Last Films Seen:

Merlin's Apprentice - 7.5/10
Chronicles of Riddick - 5.5/10


i LOVED his hair..if a guy had hair like that i wouldn't think of him as a hobo...unless it was nay-nay lookin..
well franco is a beautiful man and he can pull it off!

'Im not lying...i'm just acting'

Just get out of my kool aid!
1000~T~P #81


so chicks dig curly long hair?


Depends on each guy, of course. If he has the right facial structure to pull it off, then yes. Just like any other hair style/type.

It also depends on the girl.

Anyway, I wouldn't exactly call Franco's hair in this movie long. Just my opinion, though. =)

Last Films Seen:
Tsotsi - 9/10
Like Minds (Murderous Intentions) 9.5/10


i do. its kinda sad but if a guy has long hair, im instantly attracted to him. dunno, maybe its a fetish? but thats why i like rock stars, and period movies where the men are wild lol, like braveheart


I love my husband's long straight smooth hair that goes all the way down his back, but if I couldn't have that I would want a guy with James Franco's hair! I kept imagining running my hands thru it -- should have shown Isolde doing that!


I thought his hair looked amazing. IT also made his eyes and jaw bone pop out more. He looked amazing in this movie.

RIP Heath 4/4/79-1/22/08



I absolutely love his hair here! IMO Franco's curly locks suits him better than straightened hair. I believe, aside from the coloring, Franco is naturally curly. It really brought out his features & strong jaw doesn't it?



Hair to cheekbones = sizzling!
Curls to sleek hair = curls anyday.
It makes him look more sensitive and youthful.

-- Ew lover, you gonna make me clutch my pearls --
