MovieChat Forums > Tristan + Isolde (2006) Discussion > What??? No love for Melot???

What??? No love for Melot???

Okay, so I've totally read all of the threads on this message board, and, unless I'm completely blind, I notice no one has expressed any feeling for poor Melot. Now, okay, I know lots of people will say, "oh, that Melot dude was a total jerk!" but let me just explain my case. We first see Melot when Marke returns to Cornwall after the failed council meeting. At this point, Tristan was very nearly killed, and was witness to his mother and father being brutally murdered by the Irish. But let's not forget, Melot also had to watch as his entire village, including his father, were brutally slaughtered and saw his home razed to the ground! That's heavy stuff for two little boys. So Melot and Tristan practice fighting and sure, Melot gets a bit mouthy, but c'mon! These are boys, and boys get rough. Actually, all kids do. With that being said, he clearly grows into Tristan's closest friend, as they are raised as brothers by Melot's mother. They laugh together (one of the only scene we see Tristan actually smiling in is with Melot) and they fight side by side to save the hostages. Melot is very visibly upset when they believe Tristan is dead, and even says Tristan will get a "king's" funeral service. Now, I know there's a lot of love on here for King Marke, and believe me, I'm in your camp. But this story is special because it shows characters as human, not all good, or all bad. Even the Irish king has layers to him, he's not wholly bad. So with that in mind, and knowing full well I'll get a good bashing on here, I'm going to go ahead and say it: Marke neglected Melot. This is not to say that Melot would have made a good champion for him in battle, as Tristan is clearly the superior fighter, which even Melot acknowledged in the fight sequence freeing the hostages (he does, after all, drive the cart away, so Tristan can go and fight...playing to their strengths. He's a fast runner, but Tristan is better with the sword.) However, King Marke should have been a bit more understanding of Melot, and taken more time with him, instead of neglecting him and showing such blindingly obvious favourtisim towards Tristan. And now, for my final act of sacrilege, I'm going to go ahead and state that for me, personally, the ultimate moment of utter dejection and hopeless sadness was not when Tristan died, but rather, when Melot died. Not because his death was any more important, but because of HOW he died and what he said when he died. When Tristan finds him dying in the tunnel, and asks him why he betrayed them, Melot's answer is, for me, simply the most devastating part of the whole film...."I thought someone believed in me" WOW.


I agree with you completely, and i'm surprised no one has mentioned Melot more. He's actually my favorite character in the movie. To see the sad emotion in his face when he said, "Victory", knowing they achieved their goal, but lost Tristan in the process. And yes Marke should have believed in him more, if he would have, they wouldn't have been betrayed by the King of Ireland. Also....Melot was simply beautiful lol. I initially first watched the movie for James Franco, but Henry Cavill's portrayal of Melot stayed in my mind long after I watched the movie.

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


Melot was extremely handsome.

My opinion is, king mark was merely looking out for melot because he is blood. Mark didn't want to put melot in danger, he was protecting him. Where as with tristan, mark was more selfish towards him & would allow him to be put forward for dangerous situations without batting an eyelid. But of course, this led melot to believe he was being over looked & ignored.

One thing that did bugged me with this movie was...

No one else knew melot was the one that led the traitors through the tunnel!


Oh & OP, it was very difficult to read your post. Lack of paragraphs.
