Near Perfect Film

Simple, elegant and straightforward. The movie flows so perfectly from season to season, despite so much happening in this quiet atmosphere. Each scene, each trial, is a metaphor for life and the cyclical behavior we humans display. The director is very careful to represent simple Buddhist ideology into a complex story and does so with respect not only to the beliefs, but to the character's individual personalities. The acting is top notch, despite minimal dialogue and is only surpassed by the beauty of the setting


Only thing I did not like was the kid(s) laughing each time when torturing the animals. I mean I get it, but it felt way too forced lol. I think if it were done in a giggling, and subtle slight smile, it would have been a lot better. I did not enjoy hearing him forcibly laugh for like 3 minutes straight lmfao


It's a brilliant film but some questionnable choice of music prevents me from giving this a perfect rating. 9/10.

"Your sacrifice has completed my sanctuary of 1000 testicles."


What? The music is absolutely beautiful in it!
And I agree with the first poster, if there really is a thing like a perfect film, than this one has to be it.
