Main flaw?

My impression of this movie is that it was just so ungrounded in the rules of human limitation and reality that the audience stop caring.

Stories need rules, so that people are challenged, and there's some semblance of predictability from individual and human nature. In this movie Samantha is like the Almighty, able to control Jack's thoughts and behavior and create events and reverse time. That just seems to make everything pointless.

If Sherlock Holmes not only has unfailing psychic powers, but can also change reality and human actions, and cause whomever he wants to have been the perpetrator, and can create clues for it all, then a Sherlock Holmes mystery story wouldn't be very meaningful, would it.

Moral: Stories, like games, need rules.


They look for an actress to portray a TV witch..and turns out she really is a witch just like the character she is portraying!! What a silly plot. ALso they make way too powerful. I don't think the original Samantha could just whip up an elaborate mansion to live in, just out of thin air. As you say the story needs parameters..rules. Otherwise it makes no sense.

Walking through the cow pasture of life you are bound to step in some truth


I partly agree. I do think the lack of rules is the problem with this movie, though I don't mind it in Isabel's powers, I don't think how powerful she is is really a problem for me. After all Sam in the show could reverse time too. And if you put together all the things Sam or the other witches and warlocks do in the show they have an awful lot of power and really could do almost anything...they just don't.

I start feeling disconnected with the movie during the Aunt Clara and Uncle Arthur stuff, it's not explained and didn't make sense and felt confusing.

That being said I still enjoy the movie.


In order for Sam or other witches to pull off some great effect they would have to resort to some elaborate spell. None could just whip up a permanent mansion to live in out of thin air like that. Part of the fun on Bewitched was that her magic was always being challenged. She had to find the right spell to solve problems or undo the spell of some other witch. It never seemed so effortless.

Walking through the cow pasture of life you are bound to step in some truth
