Who should win???

I think I want Tom & his monkey to win.



Well that answers who should win for the guys, but what about the women? Right now I am thinking that maybe whoever gets picked to stay should win. Certainly not Amy, Danielle, Charla or Holly. Perhaps Tara.

I would like it if Keith won, he isn't that bad.

The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie.
--Ann Landers


i'm up in the air about who should win for the females so I'm hoping the monkey can take any of the girls place.



i would like to see charla and dave win. if they cant win i want keith and tara to win. but i would rather see tom and smokey win then any of amy's bunch of losers.


I want Keith and Charla to win or Keith and Tara to win. NOT DAVE


I want Tara and Kieth to win, they seem most like people i would chill with. I don't understand why so many of the other guest hate them so much.


Keith and Tara is a good choice. I think the only reason they aren't liked is because they aren't new and they did affiliate with Dave and Charla instead of the backbiters....

The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie.
--Ann Landers



I thought Amy should've won.



I'm glad Keith and Charla won! They both deserved it and I've been rooting for Keith from the start of his stay @ Paradise... So glad Dave din't win! In the end he was still upset that he dint win and that Charla dint give him the money. Tough luck, man-boobs. Live wit it. I bet he won't be friends wit Charla after this. No doubt abt it.

Isn't it amazing how PH made everyone forget it was a game and everyone took everything personally? Well I'm glad the show's over... eventually I got tired of yelling "IT'S ONLY A F**KIN TV SHOW, YOU ASSWIPES!" at the TV... seriously, these are the ppl who take Survivor way too seriously!
