2nd season?

is there gonna be a 2nd season?


God i hope so!!



nope.. it's not in the fox line up. unless the change it.. i doubt it. the website doesn't even work anymore.



I know I loved it! I'm watching the season finale on tape right now and at the end Amanda w/e her name is(the host) said their will be a suprise on the new season....?????


They already had a second season, it was in the form of "Forever Eden"

Okay FE wasn't officially PH but many people look at it that way. It was PH2 in diguise. FE was made by the same people as PH, and was basicially the same idea accept it had more twists, and it was possible for someone to stay there forever, and there was never to be a real winner. It was made even more like a soap opera.

Amanda did say PH was coming back but it was canned because FE didn't do well at all, in fact it didn't even make it past 7 episodes. FE was suppose to come back to air the remaining episodes but it never did. I think it's safe to say neither one of the shows will return. I didn't care much for FE but I really loved PH and really miss everyone especially the Fab 4 (Keith,Tara, Charla & Dave) They Rule!!!!
