evil dead episode??

I saw an episode (my kids were watching) and I swear it was a clone of the evil dead movie. It takes place in a cabin that looked exactly like the movie cabin from the outside, there are vines that grab you (of course, that's all the vines did...kids show and all (thank god!)!), the people are possessed and have that EVIL laugh and buggy eyes, they try to escape but the bridge is blown apart (exactly like in evil dead 2).

Really weird!!


There are lots of ripoff episodes to compensate for the lack of good story writing in this show, I also vaugly remember an episode that was almost an exact ripoff of John Carpenters "The Thing", in which the characters are trapt at an antarctice outpost with a shapeshifting alien. It's attempt to emulate this amazing horror classic fell flat on its face as there was no fear involved in this for if a character became "Infected" he or she would turn out completely alright once the "Thing" left their body and went for another host. In John Carpenters The Thing once your infected your dead, and the alien uses your appearance as a disguise in order to wait for an opportune moment to infect another person.

Would it seriously kill the show if they included at least some sense of fear or death!?!


It's a spoof show silly. It's s'posed to rip stuff off. That's what it does! That's it's thing!


Java's adorable. At least in the TV series. In the comics . . . he's kinda creepy. Just thought I'd share that ~_~`

"Na-na-na-na-na-nap man!"


One episode that comes to mind of fear or death is Wrath of the Torrington Worm


It isn't a rip-off, it's a spoof. There is a huge difference. A spoof is taking or remaking an idea but having fun with it. That's EXACTLY what MM was doing with The Thing, Evil Dead, and Tremors. So calm the hell down. Though, I do agree that the suspense sucks. It's a shame the studios butchered it to be kid friendly. Fockin censors.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.
