Questions regarding the IA trilogy.

Anyone who has questions regarding the IA trilogy please ask... While I don't really have the whole answers at least you post it here and we can discuss.


I watched infernal affairs3 yesterday, but it left me one question in my mind.
Why didn't the character of Leon Lai arrest Chan Kin Ming(Andy Lau)earlier because he had the evidence on tape all the time.


who knows? knowing that the Security Department is always disclosing anything that is in their hands... Please help the both of us. We are curious about this...

BTW, thanks for posting ur first reply. It's been ages...


It seemed like Leon let Chan Kin Ming (Andy Lau) steal the evidence tapes on purpose... cuz he even knew that Chan Kin Ming was in his office stealing his evidence tapes and gave him a phonecall telling him 2 have fun in his office.
But why did he do that? He could have arrested Chan Kin Ming while nobody knew the existence of the tapes.


still no one has an answer to my question?


Plot holes in the film..blame it on the director. It's still good My only uqestion is Leon knew Andy was the mole so why didn't he arrest him? That's what I don't get.


let me try to answer that. i do not think it was a plot hole. i think Leon's character did not arrest him beforehand because they want more concrete evidence, and there is nothing more concrete than Ming himself going berserk and admitting it. and i think timing was also a factor. Shen and Leon were working closely on exposing Ming, and Shen appeared just after Ming blew his own cover.


What is the significance of the two Marys at the end of the movie? I realize the entire movie is from Lau's point of view, and is his version of hell ... so at the end of the movie, why did Mary (1) pull the trigger?


exactly who is shen and what is his role in the movie? is he undercover? was he trying to bust sam originally?


have u seen IA2?



1.Why did Yan beat up Sam's henchman in the beginning?

2.The elevator conversation(After he got stitches at the hospital) between himself and Keung was confusing, could someone explain?

3.Ming was telling a story of the events as they unfolded through his point of view, and we saw that Billy was holding Yan at gun point. So I suppose when Billy shot Yan, Lau shot him. And the reason Billy shot Yan was because he wanted to be a snitch. I just want to check if I was correct.

4. Andy Lau went back to work for AI, but what was his job before that? Or was he just layed off until AI finished the investigation of Yan's death?

5. The mail box thing was really confusing. Leon put a tape inside, and after he left we see smoke coming out of it. We assume Andy Lau shot it, but Shen showed up. And who got the tapes? Or were the tapes an explosive device to worn Chen?

6. Apparently Yan sent Dr. Lee a tape, which Andy Lau got a hold of. He played a tape in the end, which was switched by Shen, but that tape came from Leon's office. So do we ever find out what was on the other tape?

7. The cocaine. Yan finds it in the music system before Andy Lau comes in to the store. He hid it possibly in his cast. And in part one when Sam broke his cast over the metal table we see a white substance. Can we assume that it was the cocaine? Or did Leon plant in on Yan or give to him for some unknown reason? We saw in the beginning that Leon tried to plant the cocaine on one of the thugs.

8. We know that Leon was not Sam's mole, but they helped one another. What exactly did Leon do for Sam, since we assume that Sam gave Leon information about drug deals.. etc

9. The test at the docks. Still confusing even after I read the answer. Leon wanted to catch them himself right? Or is there another reason why he didn't allow Inspector Wong to lead the operation. Or did Sam set this whole thing up with Leon to test Yan, and after Yan got there he used the Morse code to inform inspector Wong. So that’s how Inspector Wong found out about he operation, and he wasn’t supposed to. But mainlanders seemed a bit to serious for this to be a test.

10. How did Yan get the cast? Was it because Chen shot him at the docks?

11. The session was true, could some post Dr. Lee's exact reply from part one? I seen the movie so many times I should have remembered the answer.

12. Something else makes absolutely no sense. Why did Sam suddenly start to test Yan in 2001 or 2002. Yan began to work for Sam in 1997(After Hau was killed and Keung told him there might be a position for him). The only logical explanation I see is that before 01 or 02 Sam never allowed him to handle large operations or even meet big people. I remember in AI he tells Michael Wong that he doesn't know the location of Sam's warehouse since he only worked for him for 6 or so years.


1. in where does the scene appeared in IA3?

3. Remember the climax in IA3, in which Lau confessed that he killed all the undercovers so that he can prove himself to be a good guy?

4. he was demoted to another department. Maintainance Department if I am not mistaken.

5. It was Lau who burned the mailbox. I think Shen showed up to take the tape as he was working with Yeung.

6. The tape that Lau played before he assigned his department to arrest Yeung is the one that he stole from Yeung's office. It contained a conversation between Yeung and Sam. The other tape that Shen used to switch with the tape containing Yeung and Sam's conversation, I think was sent by Dr. Lee. FYI, that tape (used by Shen) contained the conversation that happened in the cinema in IA1.

7. Yes, it is the cocaine smuggled by Yan from the high-fi store to Sam. It was to explain why Yen was there in the first place before his first meeting with Lau. BTW, did Yeung try to place cocaine into one of the thugs? I don't remember seeing that.

8. Informations regarding some police operation THAT wasn't even known by the IA department.

9. It was Shen whom Sam suspected was an undercover. And, after the shootout between Shen's thugs and Yan's people, we see them together, with Yeung showed up. Then he played a tape that had Sam srceamming "I will kill that cop, no matter what" while Yeung was trying to stop Sam in the phone. BTW, at least with some injury, Yan can say that he really did his best so that Sam won't suspect him and completely trust him.

10. Yes, the cast on Yan's hand was an injury resulted from the shootout between Shen and him. At least it explained why Yan's hand had a cast in IA1.

12. It is not that Sam wanted to test him, it's just that Sam has to be careful with people around him. BTW, ur explaination is quite true as for the past few years before IA3, we have seen Yan complaining about not being fully trusted by Sam to Ins. Wong (played by Anthony Wong, NOT MICHEAL WONG!!!).

BTW, watch the IA trilogy again to understand more about the characters...


"1. in where does the scene appeared in IA3?"

This scene appears right in the beginning. We see someone holding a metal pipe with bodies spread all over the floor. Keung leaves the sauna and comes closer, and we see that it's Yan and his right eyes is bleeding.

"It was Lau who burned the mailbox. I think Shen showed up to take the tape as he was working with Yeung".

But did Andy Lau retrieve the tapes from the mailbox? I mean where would he get an explosive device anyways, I mean even after he was following Yeung he couldn't have known that he stopped by a mailbox. Yeung was gone, and couldn’t have heard the gunshots. Plus Ming had that device planted on Yeung’s car, so he definitely knew Yeung wasn’t around. And if Yeung tried to take it off(To try to spy on Ming), Ming would know since the signal would be gone. And Shen didn’t show up until later.

It makes since that he burned it, but why couldn't he have shot the mailbox and retrieved the items, and only then have burned it?

"It contained a conversation between Yeung and Sam"

The one in the library? And who was taping it? IF it was Sam since he tapes all his conversations with his moles, then how did Yeung retrieve the tape after his death? He could have just stolen it I suppose. remember in Ai when Sam puts the tape(Conversation between himself and Ming in the cinema) in the desk with Yan seeing this? Yan must have stolen the tape, or made a copy and before he went to capture Ming, and send it to Dr. Lee. So if the tape was played in the end was indeed the conversation between Sam and Ming, than we must assume that Dr. Lee made a copy and gave it to Shen. Remember the scene in the car when he asks her if she played it, and she denied it. But her reaction was a bit unnatural. She only met Shen at the cemetery. I don’t remember if she got the tape before she met him, but if she did than she must have gave him the tape at the cemetery.

"I think was sent by Dr. Lee. FYI, that tape (used by Shen) contained the conversation that happened in the cinema in IA1"

Well let’s assume this for a second. But if Yan did record the conversation couldn't he have gave the tape to Inspector Wong to check the voice.. et Or wouldn't he at least known that it was Andy Lau after he met him at the police station. Yes he did identify him through the package, but the voice should have given him away.

"Yes, it is the cocaine smuggled by Yan from the high-fi store to Sam"

But why such a small amount? And is it a sample for the Thais? And what was Ming doing at the store? I read a post that he was supposed to check it because they had suspicions it was operated by Triads. Is that correct?

"BTW, did Yeung try to place cocaine into one of the thugs? I don't remember seeing that"

Yes, at the nightclub. I need to watch the scene to understand it better, but he gave the stuff to some thugs, to beat up and bring in the drug dealers.


The mole that apparently committed suicide in front of Yeung. Was he shot by Yeung, or actually killed himself.

(played by Anthony Wong, NOT MICHEAL WONG!!!).

Yes, I sometimes make that mistake. At least they could have given him a different last name.

P.S I appreciate your replies, and thanks a lot.


"But did Andy Lau retrieve the tapes from the mailbox? I mean where would he get an explosive device anyways, I mean even after he was following Yeung he couldn't have known that he stopped by a mailbox. Yeung was gone, and couldn’t have heard the gunshots. Plus Ming had that device planted on Yeung’s car, so he definitely knew Yeung wasn’t around. And if Yeung tried to take it off(To try to spy on Ming), Ming would know since the signal would be gone. And Shen didn’t show up until later.

It makes since that he burned it, but why couldn't he have shot the mailbox and retrieved the items, and only then have burned it? "

BURNING... Not shooting... Lau was following Yeung all the way from the moment Yeung went out to send the tape using the tracking device planted on Yeung's car as Yeung was driving. Then, Lau drove his car to follow Yeung secretly until Yeung stopped at the mailbox. Hence, he knowing Yeung stopped at the mailbox. Then Yeung drove away (through the tracking device) and Lau waited for a while before stepping down the car and got close with the mailbox. Then he burned the mailbox WITHOUT using a gun or explosive devices. Hence, no gunshot or no sound was even heard. If Lau wanted to open the mailbox forcefully and took that tape only, the damage will be visible and he cannot close the mailbox.

Moments later, Shen appeared. Seeing that the mailbox was burning, he sensed something was wrong.

"It contained a conversation between Yeung and Sam"

The one in the library? And who was taping it? IF it was Sam since he tapes all his conversations with his moles, then how did Yeung retrieve the tape after his death? He could have just stolen it I suppose. remember in Ai when Sam puts the tape(Conversation between himself and Ming in the cinema) in the desk with Yan seeing this? Yan must have stolen the tape, or made a copy and before he went to capture Ming, and send it to Dr. Lee.”

The one Dr. Kelly received contained the conversation between Lau and Sam in the cinema. She did hear it but then she sent it away (not copy it and send it. She didn’t have to blackmail Lau for nothing…) BTW, IT IS SAM who record his every conversation with each mole. However, noting that after the shootout scene in IA3 between Yan and Shen, as Yeung appeared, he played a tape he recorded during a conversation prior to the arm smuggling deal. The tape contained Sam screaming “I will kill that cop, no matter what…”

“"I think was sent by Dr. Lee. FYI, that tape (used by Shen) contained the conversation that happened in the cinema in IA1"

Well let’s assume this for a second. But if Yan did record the conversation couldn't he have gave the tape to Inspector Wong to check the voice.. et Or wouldn't he at least known that it was Andy Lau after he met him at the police station. Yes he did identify him through the package, but the voice should have given him away. ”

Yan DIDN”T record the conversation. It was Sam. Yan didn’t get close enough to see who the mole was in IA1. That’s why the theory that “if Yan did record the conversation couldn't he have gave the tape to Inspector Wong to check the voice.. et Or wouldn't he at least known that it was Andy Lau after he met him at the police station. Yes he did identify him through the package, but the voice should have given him away” is unfortunately not accepted.


About The Mailbox:

Yeung was aware of Ming following him, so did he in fact use real tapes? I believe all the tapes were authentic in his collection, but he could have used one's with other conversations or duplicates as a decoy. But if he did use tapes that could incriminate Ming, why would he take the risk of handing over the material evidence to Ming?

Also maybe he suspected that Ming was listening in on his phone calls, so maybe that’s why he couldn’t cancel his meeting with Shen. But the real question is this: Could he have been so suspicious not to put real tapes in the mailbox(Maybe if Ming didn’t take them or destroy them, this would be signal for Shen), or did he take the risk? After someone could answer this question the mailbox phenomenon can be resolved in my mind. Everything is slowly falling in to place, and the sky is becoming clearer.

Cinema Conversasion + Yeung Conversation With Sam:

“The one Dr. Kelly received contained the conversation between Lau and Sam in the cinema. She did hear it but then she sent it away (not copy it and send it. She didn’t have to blackmail Lau for nothing…) BTW, IT IS SAM who record his every conversation with each mole. However, noting that after the shootout scene in IA3 between Yan and Shen, as Yeung appeared, he played a tape he recorded during a conversation prior to the arm smuggling deal. The tape contained Sam screaming “I will kill that cop, no matter what…”

But if she gave the tape over to Ming without making a copy, how did that tape get in to Yeung or Shen’s hands for them to later switch and use in the end? And the whole switch is rather absurd. I mean lets say Shen did put this specific tape in to Ming’s tape recorder, than how did he know Ming wasn’t going to check it one last time before playing it in front of the cops? When I first watched the film I personally thought Ming was convinced it was Yeung and Sam’s voice, even as he listened to it. This could be the explanation, since we know he is slowly loosing his mind. Once again like I stated above the whole tape switch is a bit to complicated. Also was I right about the library bit?

P.S And Yan in the first place either stole it or made a copy, or how else could he have sanded it to Dr. Lee?

About Dr. Lee:

Could she be a cop like she stated in the first movie? Yes, she was obviously being sarcastic, but who knows. Maybe she actually helped to bring Ming down.

Questions I Still Need Answers To:

"Yes, it is the cocaine smuggled by Yan from the high-fi store to Sam"

1. But why such a small amount? And is it a sample for the Thais(In AI)? And what was Ming doing at the store? I read a post that he was supposed to check it because they had suspicions it was operated by Triads. Is that correct?

2. The mole that apparently committed suicide in front of Yeung. Was he shot by Yeung, or actually killed himself.


Just to clarify things, near towards end there was no switching of tapes.
If you closely the tape recorder the one Chen has in his hands is different to that of Ming’s. Ming’s is a shiny silver colour, whereas Chen’s is a much darker colour and different style. Also, just as when Ming is about to be handcuffed you can just about make out that Ming is still holding his tape recorder, whereas Chen produces another one.
Hopefully that has cleared up the ‘switching of tapes’ complication.

The tape of Sam’s and Ming’s conversation in Chen’s tape recorder must have been given to him by Yeung early on, which we do not observe, because just as he is about to play it he reveals that Yeung found it in Ming’s room. The question is how did Yeung get hold of the tape in the first place? My guess is that Ming got hold of the tape from Dr Lee after the car accident (you can clearly see the white envelope on the dashboard just prior to the collision). I think that Yeung could have taken the tape when Ming goes to meet his wife. This was never shown but can guess at this knowing that before Ming goes to Yeung’s office he gets a phone call (after he lokks in mirror and see’s himself as Yan) from the lawyer saying that the wife agrees to meet him in the afternoon. Yeung would have known when Ming would be away from his office because after Yeung’s death we hear the commissioner (or whatever he is) saying that the whole of Internal Affairs department is covered with CCTV cameras and linked to Yeung’s computer (I think this scene is only shot in the Director’s cut version-can’t remember though).

Nick Vorobyov wrote: “The tape he was actually listening to was of him and Sam; it’s just that he is losing his marbles. When I first watched the film I personally thought Ming was convinced it was Yeung and Sam’s voice, even as he listened to it. This could be the explanation, since we know he is slowly loosing his mind.”

I actually agree with Nick. I believe that the conversation in the tape stolen from Yeung’s office was between Ming and Sam, and that Ming imagined that he heard Yeung and Sam’s voice on the tape instead. We see that after Ming played the tape, he puts the tape recorder with the tape inside his pocket. Then we he takes it out of his pocket and plays it in front of Yeung it is different. Now how on earth did he manage to change the tape when the tape recorder was in his pocket the whole time beforehand?!!! It is because it was the same tape all along; he imagined it to be something else.


Thanks for your reply monolith2004

The psychological ending is much more powerful. We see that Ming finally crossed than imaginary barrier, and has completely lost control over his mind. Another scene that perfectly works together with this one(If it's true of course) is when he imagines the conversation between himself, Yan, and Inspector Wong.

Do you remember the scene in Infernal Affairs 2 when young Ming arranged the murder of Mary(Carina Lau)? This scene is a remarkable scene because it is a start of Ming's mental problems. It started a chain reaction, which triggered deeper problems which surfaced in 2004.

Some individuals found Ming's psychological problems to be a bit unrealistic. But if you refer to the second installment, Ming's fate was clear from the start. Andy Lau's performance was decent, but these types of characters were better portrayed by truly great actors like Robert De Niro(Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver. And yes I do know that Andy Lau is a pop star, but he has been in the business long enough to give a flawless performance.

Questions I Still Need Answers To:

1. About Dr. Lee:

Could she be a cop like she stated in the first movie? Yes, she was obviously being sarcastic, but who knows. Maybe she actually helped to bring Ming down.

2. About The Mailbox:

Yeung was aware of Ming following him, so did he in fact use real tapes? I believe all the tapes were authentic in his collection, but he could have used one's with other conversations or duplicates as a decoy. But if he did use tapes that could incriminate Ming, why would he take the risk of handing over the material evidence to Ming?

Also maybe he suspected that Ming was listening in on his phone calls, so maybe that’s why he couldn’t cancel his meeting with Shen. But the real question is this: Could he have been so suspicious not to put real tapes in the mailbox(Maybe if Ming didn’t take them or destroy them, this would be signal for Shen), or did he take the risk? After someone could answer this question the mailbox phenomenon can be resolved in my mind. Everything is slowly falling in to place, and the sky is becoming clearer.

3. "Yes, it is the cocaine smuggled by Yan from the high-fi store to Sam"

But why such a small amount? And is it a sample for the Thais? And what was Ming doing at the store? I read a post that he was supposed to check it because they had suspicions it was operated by Triads. Is that correct? Or the store used like a storage facility? Someone deposits the product, and someone else(Yan) picks it up, and delivers it?

4. The mole that apparently committed suicide in front of Yeung. Was he shot by Yeung, or actually killed himself.


I just re watched the movie, and while majority of the issues were resolved I still have a few questions

1. The tapes in Ming’s office:

In the end it showed that they contained the music heard throughout the Trilogy but particularly in two scenes:

AI: Meeting between Ming and Yan in music store

AI 2: Mary(Older-Sam’s wife) plays the song to young Ming after he assassinated the head of the Ngai family.

Why did Yeung allow Ming to visit his office? I mean he probably didn’t keep any tape of himself talking to Sam or someone else. I mean he couldn't have planted a tape of Ming talking to someone since he didn’t know Ming had mental problems. If he did Ming would just have hidden the tape. And even if he wouldn’t, chances are he would have checked it before playing it in front of the department. And plus Ming would know if Yeung added any tapes since he was watching his office constantly.

Unless Yeung was playing some kind of a game with Ming I don’t see another reason. But here is a solution I just came up with:

Maybe the two tapes Yeung disposed of in the mailbox were actually conversations he had with someone(Like Sam). While all other tapes in his safe, were some other conversations. And Ming thought those two tapes had conversations that he was participant in. And that’s why he disposed of them. So Yeung fooled him in to thinking he was disposing of information that can incriminate him, while it could actually incriminate Yeung.

Yeung was waiting for the Mainlander(Shen) to come in with the evidence that would incriminate Ming(Yan’s Tape that was sent to Dr. Lee, which she then gave to Shen). So after he let Ming dispose of the evidence, he allowed him to visit his office.


After car crash if Dr. Lee gave the tape to Shen, maybe she also informed him of Ming’s current state. And maybe she told him he could be delusional, and therefore maybe after that he called Yeung and informed him of that, and also the fact that he is coming down with the evidence. Since Yeung already was expecting him at the end. So maybe Yeung purposely added tapes with Ming's conversations(Maybe she spotted that Ming was suffering from some specific mental decease and therefore he could be delusional, so if he heard his own voice on tape he would think it was the villain), or at least those that he had, he could have move to a spot were Ming could easily find them. He called him and interrupted him in the process of looking through the tapes, so Andy Lau only had time to grab something from the first boxes.

P.S The conversation Ming played in the end:

When and where did it take place? Since Shen’s tape contained the theatre conversation.


I thought Shen's tape was the converstation between Ming and Sam right after SP Wong's Death (Ming: "Boss, why you made such a scene?")

Ming's tape he played at the end was the conversation he had with Sam when he was moving to his new apartment in IA1. Remember, the scene with Mary and the 23 or 24 boxes? He steps out of the living room just for a second because it was confidential phone call.


Here's all the Conversations Listed(For future use, since they will be helpful)

Infernal Affairs 3: End Inferno

Ming's Tape:

Sam: So you don't wanna help me, Ming?

Ming: I do but they are watching me

Sam: So you are not worried about me. You are worried about yourself

Ming: Whatever you say

Shen's Tape:

Ming: Why do you make such a big mess?

Sam: He is chansing after me. I have to kill him

Ming: I am taking charge now. I'ii look after your deal

Sam: I've got it when you killed the cop today(Inspector Wong). I'ii talk to you later.

Ming's Face-to-face Conversation with his Friend:

Friend: We found an envolope on the Sarge's desk. There's a tape inside. It's a chat between him and Sam.

Elevator Conversation Between Ming and Billy-Flashback during the conversation with the Friend:

Billy: A package was delivered to SP Leung. Guess what's inside? Tape's of us supplying intel to Sam"

P.S Important: 3 Tapes were on Ming's desk(After he visited Yeung office), and 1 was in his tape recorder. It might be the same tape, but it also might be a different tape from the one he played in the end in front of Yeung. I need to ask my friend who speaks Cantonese.

Infernal Affairs 1

Conversation Between Ming and Sam in "Code" before the drug deal:

Ming: Hello, Dad. Pass the phone over to Dad. I can't come to dinner

Sam: To bad. Dinner has been prepared already. Call me when your're back. I'II heat it up for you.

Conversation between Sam and Ming during Ming's arrival in a new apartment:

Ming: Hello

Sam: It's me

Ming: Yes, I am moving in. Don't eavesdrop. It's confidential(Talking to his girlfriend)

Sam: I lost all of my goods. There's a mole. Dig him out for me.

Ming: Hold on, to many people are around here. Hold on. I have no access to those undercover files. I can't dig him out.

Sam: I don't care how difficult it is

Mign: I only know he uses Morse Codes. Give me all the information on the people around you last night. Their real names, ID card no, account no.. etc See you tonight at the cinema.

Sam: OK

Sam and Ming's Face-to-Face Conversation at the Cinema:

Sam: A shipment will come in next week

Ming: They are watching closely

Sam: You do what you need to do. I'II handle the rest

Ming: The file is open. I'm afraid I can't handle it

Sam: So you're not worried about me. You are worried about yourself Inspector Lau

Ming: I willtake care of it as soon as I can

Sam and Ming's Conversasion Before Inspector Wong's Death:

Ming: Boss we got him. I don't know yet. But I know where he is now.

After Police discussion about what went wrong and caused Inspector Wong his life(They sit around a table and discuss):

Sam: Hello

Ming: Why make such a scene?

Sam: He was following me all the time. One of us would have to die

Ming: I am in charge of everything here. If you're having any transaction's just let me know

Sam: It's done. We good the goods when they kille dthe cop today. I won't bother you now.


Ming's tape is The Cinema Conversation between himself and Sam. The words have been slightly changed, but I am almost positive it's the same tape. Now according to the ending, Dr. Lee never did sent Shen this tape. And also the psychological aspect plays an important part once again. This is the same tape that ruined Ming's life according to AI:

Yan: "The precious recording was taken from Sam's office"(He is referring to this tape. Since he saw Sam put it with the other tapes in his desk.)Maybe in reality the real tape had something else on it, but he just imaged that exact conversation.

The Question:

How did Shen get the other conversation? The answer might be in here:

"Billy: A package was delivered to SP Leung. Guess what's inside? Tape's of us supplyng intel to Sam"

Yeung knew Leung was a mole and maybe he got a hold of most of those tapes. And therefore this would explain why he had tapes with Sam's and Ming's conversationsin in his safe.


hey, Nick...have you resolved ur query about Dr. Lee being a cop? i want to put my two cents in.

Dr. Lee is a shrink...technically that is her profession. but she happens to work for the Police Force, so that makes her a uniformed officer. quite like the doctors who enlist with the Corps and become paramedics...:) so yeah, Dr. Lee is a cop, but not the busting-arresting kind.


1.Why did Yan beat up Sam's henchman in the beginning?
He beat up the people in the massage parlour bcause he was showing signs of stress. Him & Keung were handcuffed and being pushed by the cop; they may have scuffled a bit in the elevator as friends do, but nothing serious. Wong arranged for him to go to the psychiatrist as a result of this incident, so it was crucial to the plot as it brought Dr Lee into his life.

2.The elevator conversation(After he got stitches at the hospital) between himself and Keung was confusing, could someone explain?
I think its purpose is just to show that Sam had put Keung in charge of Yan, and that neither of them are leaders of the organisation. They're just bodyguards/gophers. [What never seems to be explored is that they are half brothers, arent they? Yan knows this, but do we ever find out if Keung knows? They never seem to talk about it]

3.Ming was telling a story of the events as they unfolded through his point of view, and we saw that Billy was holding Yan at gun point. So I suppose when Billy shot Yan, Lau shot him. And the reason Billy shot Yan was because he wanted to be a snitch. I just want to check if I was correct.
That guy wanted to protect Lau, and to impress Lau. He'd signed up with Sam years earlier, but had never really been of much interest to Sam.

4. Andy Lau went back to work for AI, but what was his job before that? Or was he just layed off until AI finished the investigation of Yan's death?
He was temporarily in Admin.

5. The mail box thing was really confusing. Leon put a tape inside, and after he left we see smoke coming out of it. We assume Andy Lau shot it, but Shen showed up. And who got the tapes? Or were the tapes an explosive device to worn Chen?
Lau burnt it, so nobody got the tapes. Shen was just there to see if Lau would turn up after Yeung had posted the envelope. Shen wasnt there to collect anything. The fact that Lau wanted to destroy the envelope was further evidence that he was the voice on the tapes.

6. Apparently Yan sent Dr. Lee a tape, which Andy Lau got a hold of. He played a tape in the end, which was switched by Shen, but that tape came from Leon's office. So do we ever find out what was on the other tape?
I think it was Yeung & Shen who sent the tape to Dr Lee. (Why would it only arrive in Oct 2003 otherwise?)

I don't think it was switched by Shen. I think Lau (thinking he was Yan) deliberately picked a tape which incriminated Lau (& he thought Yeung was Lau).

What isnt clear is the conversation Lau hears down the phone with Yan telling Wong that he'd seen Yeung with Sam. Was that just Lau's imagination making a lucky guess? Or was it a tape? If a tape, then who made it originally, and who played it down the phone?

7. The cocaine. Yan finds it in the music system before Andy Lau comes in to the store. He hid it possibly in his cast. And in part one when Sam broke his cast over the metal table we see a white substance. Can we assume that it was the cocaine? Or did Leon plant in on Yan or give to him for some unknown reason? We saw in the beginning that Leon tried to plant the cocaine on one of the thugs.
The nightclub scene took place in October 2003, so we can assume it is a different bag of coke. I think Yan taking the bag out of the speaker was just to complete the circle right back to start of IA1. As you say, Yan had some powder in his cast, and this scene explained how it got there.

8. We know that Leon was not Sam's mole, but they helped one another. What exactly did Leon do for Sam, since we assume that Sam gave Leon information about drug deals.. etc
From the library scene, it seemed that Yeung never gave info to Sam, he just took it. On this occasion, Sam told him that a mainland gangster was going to do an arms deal down at the docks. This was because Sam knew Shen was a mainland cop, and wanted to cause trouble between the HK police & the mainland police.

9. The test at the docks. Still confusing even after I read the answer. Leon wanted to catch them himself right? Or is there another reason why he didn't allow Inspector Wong to lead the operation. Or did Sam set this whole thing up with Leon to test Yan, and after Yan got there he used the Morse code to inform inspector Wong. So that’s how Inspector Wong found out about he operation, and he wasn’t supposed to. But mainlanders seemed a bit to serious for this to be a test.
Yeung was probably suspicious of Sam's tip off. But it was only when he got there that he knew for sure that Shen was an undercover mainland cop. Yeung didnt want Wong there because he knew Wong had a mole, and that it would be a waste of that mole's intelligence to go on a raid to catch Sam when Sam wasnt going to be there. He was probably fairly sure the mole was Yan (which is why he tested Wong by showing Yan being beaten up in the station), but only found out for sure that night. [Unless he was bugging Wong - see point 6]

10. How did Yan get the cast? Was it because Chen shot him at the docks?

11. The session was true, could some post Dr. Lee's exact reply from part one? I seen the movie so many times I should have remembered the answer.
He imagined it.

12. Something else makes absolutely no sense. Why did Sam suddenly start to test Yan in 2001 or 2002. Yan began to work for Sam in 1997(After Hau was killed and Keung told him there might be a position for him). The only logical explanation I see is that before 01 or 02 Sam never allowed him to handle large operations or even meet big people. I remember in AI he tells Michael Wong that he doesn't know the location of Sam's warehouse since he only worked for him for 6 or so years.
It seems Sam never trusted Yan. He didnt mind if Shen killed him, or if he got shot/arrested in the raid at the docks. This makes it strange that Yan was not a bigger suspect in IA1.


we're talking about 'continuous hell' here. even in his state, Ming is still riddled by guilt. that guilt made him conjure the image of mary1 coming to seek retribution.
