MovieChat Forums > Sugar (2005) Discussion > Andre was one of my closest friends

Andre was one of my closest friends

Andre Noble was one of the most endearing people i ever knew. So smart and artistic his life and death will affect my life forever. I can also put to rest any thoughts that his death was suicide. He absolutely loved life and when i asked him why he eats so much organic crap his response was "cause i wanna live to be a hundred". With that said, his passing is even more excruciating for me. Thanks to everyone for sharing your love and thoughts for our beloved friend. We had a wonderful memorial for Andre in Toronto as well and have renamed our theatre company (which Andre helped start) to The Noble Players.


You were very lucky to have known Andre.
Thanks for sharing your feelings.
"Sugar" has become one of my fave movies, and Andre has become one of my fave actors.
Somebody should organise sales of Andre pictures and t-shirts and donate the proceeds to a charity he would have liked.
I cannot help but wish he would have graced my life by knowing him.
He was gorgeous, artistic, and seemed to have this kindred spirit.
It hurts so much thinking about the suffering he went through when he was poisoned and I like to hope it didn't last long.
I wish Andre was alive so very very much.


Thank-you for sharing, his untimely death was truly a shock.

I agree with salmineo, someone should sell t-shirts, etc. with Andre's pictures on it for charity.


Oh, this is too sad... I just saw Sugar for the first time and I was wondering who this beautiful young man is...
