Jhinna's Death

Did anybody find the ending sad where Jhinna's corpse floats away and her pet bird won't leave her side. I thought that was sad, it reminds me of something i saw on the news once about a man who was killed and his pet dog wouldn't leave his side.


I was really caught off guard by how sad it was actually. Sometimes, it isn't the actual movie itself, but the mood we are in at the time that causes us to react in a certain way. However, I found that to be genuinely very sad. But it also brought a bit of a smile to my face. Especially at the very end, which I found to be very touching.

You know they've done a good job when you're sad to see a puppet die.

*~What is that, sugar and hate?~*


It was depressing, why did she have to die. I hate it when movies do this, almost makes me want to cry


Please don't put plot spoilers as titles of posts! Can you see how this would annoy people who haven't yet seen the film?


Wow thanks a-hole I was goning to watch it later.

"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, Weep and you weep alone" Oh Dae-su (Oldboy)


Way to put a spoiler in the title, dickhole.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.
