
Greatest country in the world
All other countries are run by little girls
Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium
Other countries have inferior potassium

Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool
Its length 30 meter and width 6 meter
Filtration system a marvel to behold
It remove 80 percent human solid waste

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan you very nice place
From plains of Tarashenk to Northern Fence of Jewtown
Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan
They very nosy people with bone in their brains

Kazakhstan industry best in world
We invented toffee and trouser belt
Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the reigon
Except, of course for Turkmenistan's

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan you very nice place
From plains of Tarashenk to Northern fence of Jewtown

Come grasp the mighty phenis of our leader
From junction with the testes
To tip of his face!!!!

Smooth. That's how we do it.


hahahahaha, Borat with swords!


is this a joke?:))hah


This is not a joke. That is disgusting allegation. You Uzbek?

Smooth. That's how we do it.


F-n Uzbeks...

An onion can make people cry, but there is no vegetable invented to make them laugh.


lol lol yzbek...no my friend i am not yzbek!!! i am greek and i was born in kazahstan karaganda!!! in 1991 we return to greece,,i was 10 years old when we came to greece,,i have many memories from this country!!! i love kazahstan you are nice ppl,,,but i dont likε exaggeration,,thats all!!!

byd zdorov i ogromnii privet kazahstany,,,eto kysok moei zizni bolwshoi kysok!!!


is this a joke? no... THIS IS KAZAKHSTAN!!!!
