She was so hot!

I dont usually find her that attractive in her other films. But the look she had in this movie made her look gorgeous.



Yes, I think you're right. 50+ yrs. from now, I think Ms Kidmann will be recognized more fully as a classical beauty on top of her excellent acting skills. (Boy, did tommy Cruise miss out by leaving her!)



You can say that again, she was smokin hot!

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?


I will say it agian!! She looked gorgeous!!
Regrets are ridiculous, so I don't
-Nicole Kidman


50 years from now she will be seen as more of an albino freak than she is today. "Classical beauty," what load of Eurocentric rubbish.


It's on TV right now and she looks gorgeous.


idiot ........she is lovelyyyyyyyy


Normally not one for reducing a woman to her physical attributes I will lower myself to say this, Nicole Kidman = Incredibly beautiful.


She was the most stunning thing that brighten the movie.

Kidman, tell Naomi I said hello.


Sorry to go against the flow here, but have to totally disagree. Don't find much interesting about near 40 year old anorexics. Just my POV. Found that hair over her right eye for the whole movie annoying. I know, I know, it was supposed to be 'symbolic' but it, like so much of Holywood, is simplistic and ineffective. Can somebody tell me when breastless, hipless, buttless, broomsticks became 'hot' or 'sexy'? Gimme curves, or go home. I got daughters and I thinks this is awful role modelling.


Not everyone wants to become morbidly obese. Go eat some more cheeseburgers and enjoy your "curves." I'll enjoy the beauty of Nicole Kidman.


uhh . . . . sorry, but I disagree with the poster that says Nicole has no curves . . . I would definitely not classify her as buttless or hipless. She may not be as buxom as the woman I'd normally go for, but her curves are nothing to be dismissed.

Yeah, she does hqave a kind of classic beauty that I think we'll look back at in 50 years and appreciate.


Woah, when the hell did she become anorexic in the film? Something tells me you are not exactly a trim guy.

Ironically, this isn't even ironic at all.


'breastless(ish), hipless, buttless, broomsticks became 'hot' and 'sexy' roughly around mid 1974 for me = my sister's Barbie dolls.. ha ha.
Then a simlar epiphany in 1994 = Jean Butler the original main dancer in Riverdance just about blew my socks off on the pwhoar! counter....and just like Nicole Kidman.....had lovely red legs are jigging already!!

Any way - back to the film....thought it was good until Hollywood got scared and tagged a fluffy ending on as usual and even Sidney Pollack -genius director, could not change their minds...
I wonder if the actors ever get totally p***d off when this happens and a good job goes under the knife just because some exec wants to keep it sweet..shame.

As for having daughters and role models, I have two very skinny daughters who are totally sold on Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus and she, from my limited knowledge of teen aspirations, is hardly stick thin, in fact, most of the stuff I've seen she is quite well rounded in a normal teen way.
My kids eat way more McDonalds than they should and have a plethora of role models to aspire to, but are still normal sized little loves....and that's after years of Barbie!...
Also I doubt Nicole Kidman is 'role modelling'...Take a look at BMX Bandits, she was a skinny rake at a skinny rake at 40 is natural.
Let your daughters watch anything with Eva Mendes in, good actress and very curvy...


Can't say that she was not good looking, cause she was... too skiny for my taste? Yes, but then I am Greek! :p

But I totally agree about the hair over right eye bit... that was REALLY annoying and pretentious!


Thank goodness for some common sense. She is not good looking neither a role model and a fifth rate actress, and it is so tiring reading these comments by idiots who cant see through this.


nicole kidman doesnt have a rosie o'donnell build. curves are fine but what role model do u want? if your daughters want to watch a nicole kidman movie thats fine, just give em a bucket of chicken instead of a bucket of popcorn to watch her movies with. Parents should be the role models anyway not celebrities.


Take a VERY CLOSE look at her "face" (in ALL her movies since 2004) (and even possibly LATE 2003. Pay especial attention in "The Interpreter", examining minutely her upper lip and, indeed, the entirety of her NEW mouth. There is no question she has had plastic surgery and, I might add, by the "best" ( whoever "HE" OR "SHE" may have been).
I have NEVER considered Ms. Kidman even remotely world-rocking beautiful. NOW, though, she is simple breathtaking. Who would have ever thought that something so "microscopic" could make just an overwhelming "difference".
If you think about it (as do almost all genuine lovers of everthing "female"), her mouth -- to the genuinely "close" viewer -- her mouth was always just that tiny bit too "small". Now, it is quite simply PERFECT ( and so, I might add, is SHE.


Agreed, she was amazing in this film. Not that she isn't gorgeous anyway, but damn!



Agreed. She's absolutely stunning.

"What's that smell?"


I 100% agree with you. Normally I find Kidman "pretty" along with Gwyneth Paltrow, but I never find either totally hot. But Nicole in this movie!? oh yeah.


I find Kidman hot to a certain level. She is aging gracefully with beauty, I even find her a lot more attractive than when she did Dead Calm or Days Of Thunder. But the movie that I thought she looked her best in was To Die For!!!


Until last night when I watched this movie, I never really was that crazy about Nicole, but Damn!!! She was so hot in this movie that I almost fell in love with her lol :)

I loved the way her hair looked and when she wore those glasses I was sold.


sexy MAMA

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


You've basically took the words out of my mouth. I wouldn't say she was hot, beautiful elegant and pretty would be what I think she looked like. But i was never a Nicole Kidman fan but damn I may just be a convert


Not a big Nicole Kidman fan, but she was very beautiful in this movie. I enjoyed the acting between to two main stars.


She was very appealing in this flick.


Yeah, her face was beautiful in this movie. Not sure if it was the make-up or the lighting on the set.

When I saw the movie in the movie theatre, I was stunned. Her face is flawless, or should I say perfect. I saw the DVD the other day, that beautiful face took my breath away again. And her acting in this movie wasn't bad at all.


Hell yeah!


My attention was on Catherine Keener...Damn!!!


"Wouldn't kiss all the asses that they told me too!"


More than Nicole? I find that hard to believe!


Seriously...their's just something about her. She had my attention every time she was on the screen. Don't get me wrong, Nicole Kidman is beautiful.


"Wouldn't kiss all the asses that they told me too!"


That's cool man. I like both as well!


are you people blind? Did you not see Far and Away or Moulin Rouge? Nicole Kidman has always been beautiful, it's nothing new.


No we are not blind silly! People were just saying that she looks exceptionally hotter in this film. But yeah, she has always been beautiful.


She's beautiful in eyes wide shut, bewitched, moulin rouge, birthday girl , the others... she's my favourite actress, and i dont say this because she is one the most beautiful ladies in hollywood, but because she acts like no one else, it's a matter of fact! she's a queen, she can play anything, and everyone believe her... take a look a the Eyes Wide Shut pot-smoking scene and you will see how incredible she is...

in the past i didn't pay attention to her, even if she was beautiful, i don't care about beauty... but since i have seen EWS and the others it was a revelation... yeah she's beautiful and so what?!! i know a few couple of beautiful girls that are so dumb in my neighborhood...

who can really say there's a better actress than Nicole Kidman... tell me... i did read on others movies threads that some people considered Michelle Pfeiffer as the the successor of the 50-60's movie queens... let me laugh... NICOLE KIDMAN IS THE QUEEN!

ok as a big fan i'm very sorry the way she has used surgery on her face, but she's still attractive... and she's an incredible human being, 2 adopted kids... yeah she's a GODdess to me!

even in brunette she's still beautiful...

and more over she's a great singer:

see ya guyz!



Wow that is quite a complimentary post you got there! Yeah Nicole has always been a stunning woman. Nice post.


I feel that!


I usualy find her bland(just her appearence, she's a great actress)but here her face was intoxicating. It may have been the make up and lighting, like hudson river said.

Bob Barr for President in 08!!!


Yep, she was hotter than usual in this movie.

Dr. Sanchez: Not my fault. Monkey bastard hands!


She was hotter in 'The Golden Compass'.


she was stunning in htis movie, absoultely gorgeous. made me think she might be the most beautiful 'celebrity' alive... but it's just in this movie.. for some reason. but yeah.. amazing.

"Mohammed is the Muslim God" - vangelis


Haha wow. I watched this movie today and throughout the whole thing I was thinking "wow I never realized how beautiful she was". And then I see this thread.

Seriously...she was so pretty. Like her face > many hot actresses' breasts. That's how pretty she was.


I agree completely...she has always been 'elegant' and 'beautiful' but a little too glacial or girly in terms of her looks and demeanour for my tastes, but in this movie...damn...she became something Searingly attractive. Incredible. To die for. What everyone else said.


Yeah, I'm the first guy to tell you that she's merely "pretty" but in this film she looked absolutely stunning. Don't know what they did but godddamn, did it work!

Silent Al
