MovieChat Forums > The Boondocks (2005) Discussion > How many times do you think the word *be...

How many times do you think the word *beep* was used?

I have season 2 on DVD and just finished watching it today. They used the word *beep* so much I lost count. I don't have the other 2 DVDs I'm sure they used *beep* a lot as well.


Either the word you're asking about is being edited out or you're asking about the *beep* itself. What word are you talking about?

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


That word and Aaron's over use of it has brought much controversy to this series. Many young black men hate it (those born 1970s and after), older black men do too but for a different reason as it pertained to how they were valued as men, in getting employment, etc., but there are some that it doesn't bother as Aaron uses it as part of the idiom, and not in any derogatory way. Just a parallel way. However some do not wish the word to be used at all.

In one of the best episodes, "Return of the King", many Blacks were up in arms about Martin Luther King Jr.'s portrayal of the use of the word to describe his own people -- as he saw them in this time and what they did (actually did not do) of his legacy. I thought it was genius. Obviously others did too as it won a Peabody Award.

However, some think that ANY time it's used it demeans Blacks. Even when Blacks use it. The thing that gets me is that the word is an AUTOMATIC reference to blacks. That's the problem in the nut shell as some blacks use it to get rid of that stereotype, while others (such as rap artists in songs)perpetrate it. Other races who use it always seem to infer it or use it as a slur against Blacks and make no bones about devaluing the word at all (As it is apparent on internet boards and those who wish to find an outlet to use it in such a manner and think they're being "cute" about sliding it in). There are arguments on each side of the fence, and each justifiable in their own way.

Personally, I hate the word for ANYBODY. But...when I listen to how it's used and in what context, it makes one think. For example, I listen to old Richard Pryor CD's and understand what HE meant by it, I listen to Katt Williams stand up routines and wish he would STOP. And don't get me started about Jay-Z...goodness what an awful, awful artist in my book.

So..there ya go.

Talking loud, and sayin' nothing.


I think about one of Chris Rock's routines where he talks about welfare benefits being cut and he says that black people aren't worried about that happening but "n----s are shakin' in their boots". I understand what Rock meant as well when he used it, but I'm not that wild about its use there too.

I think this skit really illustrates this point to a T:

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


Thanks Lamb for posting that. Yes I was talking about the N word I guess imdb have a block on that word. Anyways, I agree about what you said when celebrities use and how you see the use of the N word from both side of the fence. There are some comedians I don't mind when they use it, but some over due it I was looking at Eddie Griffin comedy act and through out the whole hour and some change he used the N word non stop he did say he would use the N word and didn't care. Katt Williams I can't stand him he just be using the word just to use and I hate that. When rapper Nas use it to me its ok he is talking about real issues.


Thanks Lamb for posting that. Yes I was talking about the N word I guess imdb have a block on that word.

I'd be really shocked and disgusted if they didn't have a block on it for whatever reasons!


Look man F&%k Google and Yahoo, ask me!



Except for that tiny concept of free speech and active communication being the backbone of a society.


I guess all the whining from white folks about black folks using that word is really getting to negroes. They have no problem using it, but they guilt black folks that do.


The very fact blacks have reappropriated it for their own personal use as a cultural expression is a clear sign that a word is only as good as the person who uses it. I get the sense that white people feel more guilty using it than most black people do.

The most important thing you need to know...
Is that you don't know sh!t.



Well you seem like a really cheery guy.
I'm white and I live in a little village in England, about as far from the "target audience" (if there is such a thing) for this show you could get. However I find it to be one of the funniest and wittiest shows I've ever seen.
I know it's easy for me as a white male in England to say as I know I don't have to go through half the *beep* that some of you guys are subjected to daily, but it is just a word. It only does as much damage as you let it. I've used the word before, but never in a derogatory sense. I mean in all honesty I couldn't care what somebody else calls me anyway, how's some guy calling me a cracker gonna affect my life? It's not.
I know Ill probably receive a bit of hate for that and probably be branded a racist, but I just felt I should voice my opinion that not ALL white people hate black people. Come on man that's just as ignorant as saying all black people are alike and it doesn't help lower racial tensions.


First, blaque, if you're referring to the video, lambie didn't post it, I did. Second, as a black man, I can really comment on this matter. I'll admit to hurling the word around in my youth (I'm now 53). Then, in one of his stand-up movies, Richard Pryor (who practically owned the copyright on the word) said that after one of his trips to Africa, he realized that the word described something wretched within the black community and that he wouldn't use the word any more. I don't use it any more either because of that. I guess other blacks use it in much the same way gays use the word "queer" and feel that, by appropriating the word for themselves, they negate its power. Me? I can totally live without it.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes! There will be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


I will weigh in and indicate for the record that I don't feel comfortable with the word; however as this series is thoughtful commentary on black u.s. culture and as I think it's also thoughtfully used and character-specific I haven't been offended by its usage by the show.

Lots of thoughts stirred up by most of your comments. This is an intelligent and interesting thread to read so far, thanks

p.s. that White Chocolate sketch is brilliant on multiple levels


The bad language in the programme has ruined my white, fragile little mind.

To be completely serious, I re-watched the episode where Riley's teacher says "n!gga" and starts demonstrating the difference between the two. Similar to "The New Black," it shows certain people feigning offence in order to somehow benefit from incidents like that (although I like how it comes full circle in "The New Black"). In fact, it became a whole circus-show during those two episodes. In the former, though, Granddad does say something that makes sense: "back in my day, the white man called me 'n!gger' for free!" I think McGruder isn't trying to glamourise its use, but maybe to show that its use has become so common as to become sort of blasé to some people.

I know I'm going on tangents here, but in the same vein, Dan Savage used to write a column called "Hey There, F@ggot," which he said "if we use the word to each other and often enough, it loses its power against us" (I'm paraphrasing here). Similarly, Carlin talked a lot about words and their effect. Again, to paraphrase, he said "the words themselves are harmless... it's the racist arseh*le that uses them that gives it effect." after having rattled off a tonne of racial slurs.

Whatever school of thought you ascribe to, though, I think the cartoon sort of reflects normal vernacular amongst certain groups, and I think that most of the time it's appropriate given the context. I also think that it (the show) is excellent in pointing out ills in society that affect, beyond race, class issues.

(All that being said, I live in a rural area with very few black people. My viewpoints, as such, are moulded more by entertainment and reading news articles and their respective comments.)

Look, two things flaming at the same time.


That word had been used to describe Jews and many other minorities way before the creation of the way the word is used now.

The word comes from the term niggardly.. Simply meaning

1.not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"

synonyms: cheap, mean, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheeseparing, grasping, ungenerous, illiberal;

The word has been changed and used the way it is today and causes continual problems. The main reason being that it has been given so much power by black/white relations and the overuse of a word that has been given so much power.

Being neither white nor black but growing up around both sides of the issue has given me a perspective that the way everyone uses this word has made it more hateful and given it more of a negative connotation. I am of Indian descent and have dealt with complete ignorance growing up in the U.S. especially after 9/11. I was called all kinds of things and treated horribly even though I was born in the states and am of Indian descent and my religion being Hinduism(considered one of the most peaceful religions of all) didn't stop ignorant people from calling me a Middle eastern Muslim terrorist and much worse. No one is immune from hateful words and actions. Overuse of this word in entertainment and media is causing it to be used more and more.

Just stop being so hypocritical and sensitive. The people using this word in a negative way are the ignorant ones, that doesn't mean you have to get down in the dirt and be as uninformed and unintelligent as they are.


I'd put the over/under at 200.5


For those intrigued:

I read into the comments and the number is apparently close to 1,300.

I'm going to go and draw cocks on the other applications.
