MovieChat Forums > 1-800-Missing (2003) Discussion > Should have followed books more....

Should have followed books more....

I am a huge fan of the series (as well as The Mediator series), and I am all for making a t.v. series or movie out of it, but if they are gonna do it, then they should follow the book's plot outline a little bit more. They took out the greatest points of the whole story, and all that was left is just a standard show, with nothing special. I'll watch it of course, just because I'm loyal like that, but still! Jess is supposed to be tough, smart aleck. The t.v. show's character isn't that. She is supposed to be uncooperative, yet she is willing gives over her powers to the F.B.I. Her family is barely part of the show, and they were a great part of the books! Rob was my favorite, and he isn't there. So, all in all, it's an okay show for those who aren't fans of the books, but for those who are, like me, I was dissappointed it didn't stay true.


I read the first book and really liked it, but I still LOOOOOVE the show. I think that most of the changes come from the fact that they aged Jess. Someone who just graduated from college is going to me more mature than the teenager depicted in the books. I like this new Jess though. She brings a sense of innocence to the show which I like.



Never read the book but I like Jess. She is very likable and therefore worth watching. Like the movie version of Rogue on the X-Men is different from the comics and the cartoon which is fine with me. I don't find pushy, mouthy persons someone I would watch.



This TV series is based on the 1800 Where R U Young Adult series by Meg Cabot (also author of "The Princess Diaries"). The books are really good. On Meg's blog, she wrote that she has just started a fifth book of this series, but it will probably be quite a while before it comes out. They just re-released these books under her real name Meg Cabot (she had written them under the pen name Jenny Carroll originally.) Here's what she wrote about the series when someone asked if she was gonna write a fifth:

The thing about the 1-800-Where-R-You books, which some of you may not know, is that I got fired from writing that series when it didn’t sell well the first time they put it out, under my pen name, Jenny Carroll. They also fired the editor who bought the series from me.

What happens when you are an author is, you go to publisher with a book, and if they like it, they buy it. In the case of 1800, they liked it so much, they bought the book and three sequels.

But then when those 4 books didn’t sell well enough, they said, “We don’t want anymore,” when I offered to write 4 more. And then they fired my editor, who is the one who bought the series in the first place.

This, as you can imagine, really upset me. I had planned to take the series to 8 books at least.

And so now that they’ve re-released the series under my real name, and it’s selling much better, and people want another book, I can’t bear the thought of actually writing one. I keep remembering how hurt I was when they said they didn’t want more, and how upsetting it was when they fired my editor, whom I really, really liked. I know I should get over it, but so far, I haven’t been able to. This is probably a form of writer’s block, and in this particular case, it has to do with the fact that I’m still pretty upset over the whole being fired thing.

So you will just have to bear with me and be patient and maybe someday if I drink enough Tab I will be able to face the idea of writing another 1800. But for now, I need to keep a little distance from it.

And I am not telling you what Rob is on probation for. Because if I ever DO write a 5th 1800, it will be revealed in it. I can tell you it isn’t any of the things any of you have been guessing, and it is definitely NOT cow tipping.

This series is really good. I hope you read them.



Sure thing. Why wouldn't you be able to check them out? That seems kind of wierd.
Take care.



That seems kind of stupid. The library system we have in my area (Fairfax County, VA), we just have one type of card and we can check out whatever we want. Eh, what can you do? If you can't check them out of the library, you could probably just buy them at a bookstore.
Take care.



Hmmm, we definitely don't have movies or CDs at our library. Ok, I can see why you would need the two kinds of cards.
I have Meg's "Teen Idol" book on hold now at the library. I don't think I'll get it before I go off to college (9 days...). I'm trying to read everything before I head off, like I'm never gonna see a library again even though I know I will, yet I'm still checking out books at a record pace (I once had 12 books out at one time; of course, most of them are manga books (Japanese comic books) but they're still books!) So yeah, anyway...
Happy Reading!!!!!



HAHA "study"? like i'll do that!

anyway, I will try and do everything you said (with a lot of emphasis on the "have some fun" point.) ^_^ hehe
Take care!!!


The books are cheapies. Seven buks each for the new ones. If the store has older copies they'll only be like five. Argh. I miss the days when books were cheaper. (When I was a kid I remember gettin' books for $2! Oh no. Showing my age. Heh. Old?! I'm 21)

And if you're poor like me, buy 'em, don't screw 'em up, read 'em, and return 'em a few days later. This works better at big bookstores where they can't remember your face. Litteler ones catch on a bit faster. I do this a lot. I'm probably on a list amongst the Borders and Stacy's people. Though, to be fair, it's only when I've exhausted the library and they don't have it or it's got a ton of holds.

I agree though with the original post. I woulda liked to see them stay closer to the story. I always liked that Jess was against the FBI, not for it (Bein' a little left wing-er myself I thought that was cool) Plus Rob was a great character! I first read these when I was 18 or 19 and he was pretty much my definition of perfect male. (Motercycle, leather jacket, parents hate 'em.... I'm a classicist) Oh well. I don't watch the show regularly as I can't afford cable but I catch it every know and then when I'm hanging out at my friend's apartment. I don't know. I guess if you like the show, you like it. It just doesn't have the same feel though. I always liked Jess as the smart aleck who could kick your ass and a terminal detention kid. It was where a lot of the humor came from. Plus, Agent SMith and Agent Johnson and her barb with them was my favorite delight from the books!

Oh, I hope Ms. Cabot can overcome her stress with the series. I understand why there is, but as a loyal fan I wish she could. Eight books she wanted! Oh. I hope she writes them one day! Hopefully before I look too old to be standing in the YA section of the book store. Or like I'm old enough to be shopping for my kids.

Maybe I should give the show another try since I haven't really. Maybe if they release it on DVD, I'll rent it. Well, I'll still tirelessly write my film adaptation of the first book. Right now it's just an excercise in adaptation for my screenwriting class, but who knows?

"I regret that I have but one life to give to rock and roll!"
- Rock and Roll High School
