third season?

Anyone know what the word on the street is regarding the third season? Has Lifetime agreed yet to sign it on for more episodes?
I guess the decision will be made this week sometime and like last year they will begin filming in April.
Let's hope for the best!


third season starts june 12. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!

"A weed is no more than a flower in disguise"
-James Lowell


I can't wait for a third season. I hope it's as good as the first two. I also hope that they continue to build on the relationship between Jess and Pollack as they had done in the beginning of season two.


i think its kind of ironic that this was the show on the chopping block after the first season of missing and wild card and now wild card is the show that got cancelled...i wish they could have both come back but i like wild card better.

"those are my thoughts not yours" ~dave hunter


I can't wait till the thrid season starts. I can't believe they cancelled Wild Card, I liked that show.


There is definetly going to be a season 3 as they are shooting some of it on my street.


You can thank Vivica A Fox and her STAR POWER for saving this show. Whether some people want to believe it or not Vivica has a HUGE black American following and they watch this show in droves.


Anyone know how the actress is playing the new blond agent Cooper? She looks familiar but can't figure out from where. Just wondering.



she's going to be on the whole season.... i saw them filming and met the cast and got tour of the set...great people that work on the show cast and crew alike!


that's soooo cool!!!!!!!!



Can anyone tell me what happened to gloria reuben? did she leave the show herself or was she kicked out? in my country the 2nd season has recently been aired and believe me, it took me a couple of episodes to get used to the whole new cast, except jess ofcourse.



Havn't seen Colin in awhile, I'll let yah know, I know Alex Appel is off, with her character dead and all. I mean she's probably off, if they bring her back I'm gonna wonder how.
