MovieChat Forums > 1-800-Missing (2003) Discussion > Bring Back The 1st Season Cast

Bring Back The 1st Season Cast

Let's just say I knew deep down that when Gloria announced that she wasn't returning, Dean's character was cut and then Justina deciding to not return after being cast for the second season, something terrible was going on! I don't know if I can bare to watch another episode. Poor Catarina. I hope her agent has something else lined up for her. I don't think this is going to last.

Okay, watched the first season and absolutly LOVED IT! Each episode gave you something to think about. Each episode took you into it. You could actually feel what was going on! Not some brainless wonder of a show that someone drug out of the sewer for a change! It made you 'think' about what was going on. A true mystery each time you would tune in. Something that hasn't happened in episodic television in a long time. Finally! A show worth paying the cable bill for!

Then after the season one finale, myself along with many other's waited with bated breath to see if the show would be renewed. In March the announcement came that it was indeed renewed. Whoo-hoo! Allright! Then, right away we see that Gloria (Rueben)wasn't coming back, appearantly for the reason that she's further persuing her singing career! A great actress, more power to her! She'll be sorely missed. When it came to her part, she had much more class!

Then word came that Dean (McDermott) who played S.A.I.C. Alan Coyle, who is a natural when it comes to acting, puts himself into charcter very well, wasn't coming back, explanation, due to creative reason. HUH? The characters transfered from one region to another in the first season. Why couldn't they do it this time around? Justina (Machado),who played Sunny brought some spunk to the show was still listed as returning, but not long after that we find out she's not returning either. You have sit back, scratch your head and go 'What the heck is going on?!?!?'

I will admit, the premiere episode of the first season I was intrigued and thought there's alot more to this and it needs to be looked in to. We had Jess, brought into the spectrim because of her visions. And what made it interesting was her interaction between family, friends and co-workers. Something most of us (well, besides visions on this end), deal with on a daily basis. Then there is Brooke, who obviously had issues with Alan, that to this day we can't seem to get a grasp on, but eventually their working relationship mellowed out. And Sunny? Wow! What fun character she was. It brought out the curiosity seekers in all of us.

This show, as it was in season one, was something that took a few episodes for all of the lead characters to conform to each other, get the feel of what was going on but it wasn't too harsh. All in all, it was a comfortable transition for a newer show. And I will say, you all did a great job! '1-800-MISSING' was really going to go somewhere.

You had a rapport between all of the characters finally coming together. Jess, naieve at first but coming in to her own as the season progressed. Alan, being a stern toughy at first but moulding into a great team leader by season's end. Sunny with her sharp, quirky resolve, yet facing her own issues after being kidnapped and nearly killed. A love triangle coming together between Jess, Hunter and Jack. And more issues that, and someone please tell me if I'm wrong, all four of the lead characters in season one had going on that will now never be resolved unless someone high up can make a miracle happen for this show and give us some answers.

Now comes season two. We see Jess training at Quantico. Okay, we knew this was going to happen at the end of season one, per Jack's counceling. But, what happened to the rest of her team? Was there any closure? No! We all of a sudden are thrown in to this season with her just before she was finished training to go on to a case! Something that, visions or not, would 'NEVER' happen in reality! What happened to Jess' transition from moving from Indianapolis to D.C.? I guess she can just take off and leave the family behind, no-holds barred! That's just not Jess' character!

Then, comes the premiere of season two. A change of the title, due to confusion of some viewers to 'MISSING' and a change of the theme, etc.

I sat down to watch the video of the season two premiere. The further I got in to the show the more I saw that this show was no longer focused on 'Jess' but the new partner. It was all about her and Jess was pused off to the side. Oh yeah! I soooo want to watch a show about someoen in leather kicking butt. Not!!!!!!!

And since when does an forensic's agent go on an interview of a possible suspect without a partner or superior officer to witness? This new S.A.I.C.? Huh? Where did you drag him from?

Please, if there is a miracle to happen, at least let there be some sort of transition from season one to season two before shoving this at us.

I'm willing to give a few more episodes a try to see if the chemistry between Jess and the newer characters comes together but I'm not holding my breath.

Am I being a little delusional or is there some serious transition and closure 'MISSING' from this show? Please!!!!!!! Bring back the first season cast!!!!!!!

Any comments? Let me know!


I agree with you completely. I enjoyed the first season of 1-800-Missing very much. Although the visions made it less believable than say, Without a Trace, it was a good show. Gloria Reuben, formerly of ER, and Caterina Scorsone were both good leads. Now, with all but Jess off the show, and Vivica A. Fox and Mark Consuelos on Missing, the show is less convincing and appealing. Fox's character is not convincing--with her lines concerning wearing heels in the field and with her hefty attitude--it is too much for an FBI agent, even an agent for TV. There was no real closure from last season. A whole new team basically and a new location--they are in no way as good as the original.


I kind of like the new cast members. Viveca Fox is doing her Kill Bill turn. None of these cop shows are realistic. No one dresses right for the job in any of them. Particulary the women..including Gloria Rubens character. So what the heck if Viveca is sporting some high heals. Heck I use to ride around on my 12 speed with high heels, so why not kick some butt. No seriously I read in the TV guide that the mood on the set is much looser now that Gloria Ruben is gone. She wasn't happy..she did the same thing when she was in ER. Oh but she went off to sing with Tina Turner. That did not last that long. I get some strange vibes about her when I read articles about her. I am also happy to see Mark Consuelos. I remember him when he first started All My of the worst actors in the world. But he is a example of how expereince makes you better. He really has turned out to be a likable actor. Also Gloria Ruben always seem to be in some type of a trance in everything she acts in. Viveca is a better actress IMO and Caterina character is better suited with her. Also any show that uses a civilian with NO law enforcement background who works with the FBI, no not just taking phone calls or giving advice, but going on actual cases with FBI agents because she the has questionable powers of seeing things cannot be taken as being convincing on any level, I don't care if Meryl Streep and Halle Berry played the lead roles. I think the show is less bogged down down and doesn't take itself so seriously..which is a good thing. I feel that is what went wrong with the West Wing, The X files and The Practice. And what is happening with CSI.


Vivica is an amazing actress! Sorry but Gloria Ruben is too "soft" to be an FBI agent and she definitely is not on the same level as Vivica A Fox. Vivica is one of the top actresses in Hollywood. Vivica is also one of the executive producers of this show. It's tough for black actresses. I'm sure Vivica probably would prefer to be doing a big movie like Kill Bill but this project came along. Vivica is always a trooper she works very hard and tries her best. Vivica is rough, tough, but also sexy and classy. Vivica definitely has that down to earth attitude but she's tough as well. Vivica is perfect for this show!


I like Vivica Fox and Mark Consuelos and I can see myself getting into their characters. The one who I think the show can do with out is Jess's boss John Pollack who for some inknown reason feels the need to be mean and almost hateful to her. There was no need for him to threaten her at the end. I hope his character either gets killed off or find some way to get him off the show.


I must say I didn't mind the new cast--there are some interesting new aspects to the show. However, I liked the old cast too! It was nice to see Gloria Reuben, Dean McDermott, and whoever played Sunny doing stuff again and they had a good rapport together. What annoys me is that it was a Canadian show with predominantly Canadian actors which was doing well, but has now been taken over by American actors and now has a much more "American" feel to it. I hope it doesn't go downhill trying to pander now to the reality tv audience.


I agree with you, the first season cast rocked... had chemistry and made the show a hit... but this season its doing pretty damn good in the raitings...


Ratings doesn't show an actor's skill. Vivica uses sex appeal, but Gloria used emotions. It's just not the same.

"Put down the pipe and back away from the bong!"


Vivica might use sex appeal but what really makes her a character is the hard-ass kick butt and ask questions later character she has to play. And you can not rebute that she has only played the hard asses because that is not entirely true. Take Ella Enchanted for example... She played a fairy godmother and not a good one at that... Her character was supposed to bad at casting spells and she was part of the comic relief but so was the rest of the cast... She can play other characters but she's better at the kick butt and ask questions later. You can play with emotions but a real FBI agent won't... They would be more like Vivica and you can't say that they wouldn't use sex appeal because they probally would to help solve a case... Thats all I got.


I agree i stopped watching when all my favorite characters left!!! they kept one person how can this be the same show??

