
I rented this, having no idea what it was about. What I got was an amazing film with a wonderful ending that doesn't leave you angry at humanity. If you've seen this at your local video store and pondered (even the least bit) renting it, go there now and get it. Hurry. Now.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Darth Vader


I sought this film because I think "Starved" is the best show on TV right now and I wanted to check out something else that Eric Shaeffer has done. This movie blew me away. The characters are so interesting that it is one of those rare times that you leave wishing you could find out what happened to them later.


What was also convincing was the locations. Like the guy who lives in Tucson was actually Vermont, but it was so convincing because the buildings looked Arizonan and there were mountains in the scene as well that made it very convincing. It was amazing what Shaeffer could do on a small budget.



I'm in the same boat as anyone that just saw it in a Blockbuster or wherever. I picked it up having no idea what I'd get but it did not fall short of my expectations. I did expect an artistic film, but I got a great one. I appreciate any film that goes out on a limb to discuss human nature. Further it is quite an American film, putting on display our many shortcomings and personal achievements. Agreeing with the previous post, it was amazing what Shaeffer did with a small budget.



Sorry to burst your bubble, Pat (thats actually my name too, heh). The Tucson locations were not Vermont, I'm a local and it's definitely not Vermont. BUT, locations like Elizabeths trailer, Sams house, the "Jamaica Country Store," the elementary school, "The Wildflower Cafe" were all filmed in Vermont. In my hometown actually, I live in Jamaica (VT) and other local places like Brattleboro and Townshend were all used for locations in this film. It was very cool to see my tiny, tiny district be in another professional film (see also Funny Farm). This was, for sure, an enjoyable film, it was just very strange to see my home (basically) on film. Tis about time someone utilized the wonders of Vermont, Southern VT specifically.


I listened to the commentary and he said the Hardware store was in vermont. It could've been in NY that he filmed the tucson scenes in. He didn't have the money to go to Tucson.



Yup, A True Value in Brattleboro. I have to listen to the commentary still, I'm curious about some of it.


Hello all--

Thanks to all for the many kind comments about our film... this is Chip, the producer, and the director of the 2nd unit. To clear up the discussions about our use of locations... yes, we actually did use Vermont to double for the interiors of Tucson. John's Tucson apartment interior was shot at Stratton Mountain, and his office interior was shot in Brattleboro, across the street from the True Value Hardware, where we also filmed, on the same day. The southwestern-style church where John speaks to his priest is actually the Stratton Mountain Chapel.

We also used Vermont to double (both interior and exterior) for North Carolina... for instance, when Malissa meets the rape victim at the hospital exterior, that is the same Brattleboro hospital that we used for the interior of the "New York" hospital. The North Carolina trailer was shot in Vermont, as were almost all of Malissa's driving scenes. The post office, doctor's office, and the cafe were all shot in Townshend. We brought "the beast"-- Malissa's old car with the horns on the hood-- from Vermont to New York for a few days to shoot second unit, but then the engine kept dying on us.

And of course, we used Vermont as Vermont. The towns of Jamaica and Townshend are seen frequently, as are bits and pieces of Brattleboro.

After principal photography had wrapped, just a few of us went to Tucson for two days, and shot the kids playing baseball outside John's apartment, the scene inside the Taco Bell, and many, many establishing shots of John in Tucson, driving around, and entering and exiting buildings. We didn't have the money to bring a full shooting crew to Tucson.

Working with as small a budget as we had for this film, we relied upon a great deal of resourcefulness to get our film shot, and often doubled and tripled the uses of a single location. We loved shooting in Vermont, but, if you listen to the DVD commentary track, you'll learn that we had more than a few blackflies and mosquitos, and by the time we left Vermont, I was one giant bug bite with legs.

Again, thanks for the kind comments. If I can answer anyone's questions about the film, please let me know.


My dad shot this film his truck was also in the film. My dads land rover was not in any films. But he filmed it.


I stumbled onto this movie quite by accident and am among those who love it. The insight into each character's seemingly insane and/or weird behavior all came together (at least for me) in a very emotionally satisfying manner. Life is virtually guaranteed to at times be awful but equally likely to be wonderful. In a world where a frightening percentage of people are eager to harm those who do not share their perspectives about and religion and politics, I'm ready for an occasional positive resolution of life's problems--even if it's only in a movie. As it was for the characters in this movie who were dealing with their sometimes self-inflicted wounds, a negative life can be turned around for those (no matter how flawed) who hang in there and do their best to become decent human beings.


I caught this wonderful movie on Showtime and was just blown away by the acting and sincerity of the young boy and his father. It's such a joy to find the linkage of the characters at the end of the movie. The scene where Rocky walks into the hospital room of the young lady is so touching.This is one movie you should not miss.



I agree with many of you on this thread-- I found this film to be remarkably well done. It's been a long time since I've been so moved. I turned it on, not expecting much, and maybe that's why it got to me so hard. I haven't cried watching a movie in a very long time, and I admit I shed some tears during this one. Superbly acted & directed, the stories were dramatic and emotional without being at all manipulative. I hope Eric Schaffer gets some acclaim and more opportunitites from this.


It absolutely *was* amazing! My husband rented it and I thought, "Oh, great - SNORE - blah...." and then I looked at the cast, and thought, "Alan King? John Heard? I *love* John Heard!!!! Jill Sobule?!?!?! "Merry Christmas from the Family" is one of my all-time favorite songs!!!"

So I watched. Okay, at first I was a little bored and annoyed. It didn't seem to be going any place. I found the Melissa character VERY precious and cutsey-boo and her pursey-lipped smiley faces and bemused emoting BUGGED ME BADLY. But I kept watching, mainly because the music sucked me in, and after about 15 minutes I was completely hooked.

What a wonderful film! What lovely performances! Alan King broke my heart. Heck - they all broke my heart. I cried - a lot (don't believe the cover notes, folks - this ain't a comedy) - and began to love all the characters - even Melissa! I'd watch this again in a heartbeat, and I am recommending it to all my friends. I'm also going to and see if there's a soundtrack to buy. The music is so haunting and lovely. A+++


A buddy of mine and I rented this not knowing what it was about. About 30 minutes into the movie I told him that I was already loving the movie. It quickly climbed to the top of my favorites list. The film captured so many emotions that only few people can put on film. It is undescribable, and hopefully you will all go see it.

"If you really loved something, wouldn't a little bit of it linger?"
-Susan Orlean, Adaptation.


Just add me to this list. :)
I am actually watching this for the first time while I write this, I was sitting here amazed and decided to look up some information about it while watching... I'm terrible, can't just sit and watch a movie, got to multi-task. ;)

I had watched the movie that just ended and didn't change the channels because I was going to bed, saw only the opening 5 minutes and that was enough to make me say "hmmmm this looks interesting" and set the TiVo to record. So it's the next night, nothing on and I am playing it. By the time I was only 30 minutes into it and I am captivated and amazed... I love this movie... and I know my husband wile too.

Well done.


Wonderful film. I love it when I watch a find like this.

Of all the things I ever lost, I miss my mind the most.


Add two more to the list. Girlfriend picked it out at the rental store. We both *loved* it.


I can't seem to find it anywhere!!! Your help will be much appreciated!


Unfortunately, the soundtrack is not available for purchase, nor do we ever expect it to be. Many of the Jill Sobule songs are available on her own albums, especially the albums "Underdog Victorius," "Pink Pearl," and "I Never Learned to Swim."


Where can I find the theme music of the movie. The theme Music that starts playing at the very beginning of the movie , were a dancer dances with a doll. Do you have a name for the music?.

Thanking you in advance.
