And I´m second!

With this rate we can fill the board in no-time. Lets get some Medieval 2 discussion going people, you know you want to!

-You... you killed him?
-No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.


Right on my friend.

Lets start the discussion by the new combo attack systems. If you read PC Gamer's March 2006 issue it says that soldiers can now pull of different moves on their enimies. The example they gave was: A soldier stabbed an enemy and then kicked him on the ground with his foot to get the sword out. Pretty awesome.


I read that too and can´t wait to see it in action. Must be a huge undertaking to motioncapture all the moves for all the different weapons...

I´m especially looking forward to the improved crusades. Add to them the new diplomacy-features, the realistic and fully destructable castles and you get: Kingdom of Heaven! Can´t wait...

Still no Swedes though. Bastards...

-You... you killed him?
-No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.


"Kingdom of Heaven!"

One of my favorite movies. If you look at my posting history you will see i'm not lying either.

And the fact that you can elect your own Pope sounds very intersting. I wonder if that will make you gain more money, since the medieval church was the weathiest organization around.

"Still no Swedes though"

They may not have them as a campaign but they still might be there. Or not, I really don't know.


Holy crap! Hehe, see what you mean... Yeah, Scott knows his way around a movie.

About the pope: That is a very interseting feature, but i think you only get political advantages if you manage to get one of your cardinals elected. He´d probably excommunicate your enemies and so on...
Now when I think about it you got a few thousand florins from the pope in the beginning of Medieval, so I guess it´s not impossible.

Sweden will probably be "Swedish rebels" or something like that. Guess Denmark will have to do. Close enough...

Found some screens i haven´t seen anywhere else on the internet here:
Some good closeups...

-You... you killed him?
-No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.


"Now when I think about it you got a few thousand florins from the pope in the beginning of Medieval, so I guess it´s not impossible"

Yeah that's what I was thinking as well.

"Found some screens i haven´t seen anywhere else on the internet here:
Some good closeups"

Yes those are different screens. But they seem to be from a different view point from a battle where all screen shots are coming from. They are all from a battle between a european faction in the red color, fighting a Muslim looking faction in a green color. It also is a castle seige as well I think.


Yes, indeed looks like the same battle. When do you think they´ll start releasing trailers?

Looking at the screenshots I noticed that the knights use their lances as weapons in melee, and don´t pull out their swords like they should. That´s just stupid.
And yeah... No hilts on the swords.
Those things annoy me...

-You... you killed him?
-No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.


"When do you think they´ll start releasing trailers?"

I really have no idea. It will probably be quite a while away though if I had to guess.

"Looking at the screenshots I noticed that the knights use their lances as weapons in melee

Yeah I've seen a couple of screens with that happening. One in particular is when they are charging into some infantry and one guy is hit in the face with a lance. That caught my eye because that hopefully means they are implementing some new physics features.

"and don´t pull out their swords like they should. That´s just stupid."

But if they did pull out their swords that would mean they would have to drop their lances and couldn't get them back again. So if they charged with lances into a unit and then dropped them to pull out swords to fight, then after if you ordered them to charge again they wouldn't have lances to do so. Therefore their charge wouldn't be as powerful. So you would have wasted money buying that unit with large lances if they can only charge with them one time. But maybe the can pick them up again. It's hard to tell with these screen shots because the knights charging screens only show the initial charge and not what happens next. I hope this long paragraph makes sence.

"And yeah... No hilts on the swords.
Those things annoy me"

Yeah that bothered me too. But you have to remember that this is very early on in the development phase, so they probably haven't programed all the little details in yet.

And one more thing. Did you know that Scotland will be a faction? That is good news to me since I had always wished it could be in Medieval. With movies like Braveheart I was glad to hear that I could be this faction. And some more factions I was suprised in seeing were Portugal, Venice, and the Aztecs. Those are some interesting ones.


Sure, it makes sense, and I´ll take the liberty of writing an even longer one myself ;)

In a game with all the new fancy moves on the battlefield and stuff, knights fighting with their lances is just rediculous.
In real life you couldn´t do that. You´d get killed in seconds.
I noticed a discussion about this on the official forums, and people generally thought that there should be som kind of "ammunition-system" where the knights had, say, 2 lances. Thay charge, drop the lance, start hackin´ with swords and when they pull back to make another charge a new lance pops up in their hands. Personally I could even go with the same system thay had for phalanxes in Rome: Spears dissapear, sword pops out, without limited "ammo" if I could just get my knights to fight with swords...

But perhaps all this is like you said just due to the images being from an early version...

Yes, the concept of "small states" in M2 sounds very promising. The thought of having to depend on diplomats, agents and trade just to stay alive in the beginning sounds challenging.

And would having William Wallace as a historical character be to much to ask? They were in Rome (Hannibal, Caesar etc.) but it would be nice if they developed the concept and made them more frequent and gave them characteristic virtues and vices...

-You... you killed him?
-No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.


What they should do is stop worrying about that and develop a system where they get off their horse and pick up their lance. That would be the most realstic and would please most people. It would also be very cool to watch and would wow a lot of people with those kind of details.

And yeah the major historical characters in Rome weren't played out very well. Lets hope they'll fix that problem also.


So, what´s up? Have you played the game yet?!

"Did I leave the gas on? No, I´m a @#¤%ing squirrel!"


Oh yeah, hey buddy!! Yes, I got it the day after it came out. The Limited Edition is totally awesome, if you got it early enough. A bunch of extra stuff was thrown in for me.

As far as the game goes, it is the best Total War game yet. I'm totally addicted to this game. I beat the Spanish campaign in one day so I could get access to other factions. I haven't been sucked out of it since. But alas, some of our predictions didn't come true, lol. The knights just manually switch from lance to sword and vice versa when they are charging or in close combat. But it's so fast paced that it's hard to notice little things like that. I think I was nit-picking too much. Overall though, i'd say, this is truly and awesome game with just a few minor quibles.


Yep, loving it too. I´ve played quite a bit as the english and if nothing else, the game looks and sounds amazing. A lot of fun playing it too. At the moment I´ve run into a few annoiyng bugs, and I´m waiting for the patch that´s been delayed a few times already. When that comes out it will hopefully be perfect. I´m a little pissed they don´t let you save battle-replays, but it´s not that big a deal I guess.

Have you discovered the americas yet?

"Did I leave the gas on? No, I´m a @#¤%ing squirrel!"
