failure by critics?

okay, i wasn't great; but, 35% on rotten tomatoes?


Because it played like a more adult teen drama.

I think it has good parts, but the editing and the fade-to-black sequences made it very cheesy.


Taking the fact that it was a black comedy about teen suicide, I liked the cheesy factor. It gave me the feeling of picking on a campy after school special. I thouroughly enjoyed this film and actually walked away wanting to see more of these characters. This movie would have made a great concept for a weekly TV show as long as it could have kept some of the more risky situations for the TV audience.



i absolutely haye when people call any art form "pretentious" just because the artist is intellectual, it is an easy way out of something you simply didn't understand. people are always calling tool pretentious aswell, "look their not writing love songs how pretentious."
