Ordinary people

I saw Emile Hirsch stars in this, and I love Emile Hirsch (especially in Into the Wild), but this movie sounds an awful lot like Ordinary People where Timothy Hutton plays the son in a dysfunctional family coping with the suicide of his elder brother, who was also the favored son.


In Ordinary People Timothy Huttons brother did not kill himself, he was killed in a boating accident due to a severe thunderstorm.


I did not know that.

Thanks for the heads up, even if it's almost two years later.

Today, I discovered that IMDB has stored, and permitted me access to, at least some of my comments.


The dysfunction is similar. A younger child ignored by a parent, a mother in Ordinary People. In this movie, the father ignores the younger child. But that's the only comparison. The families spend out of control differently. And in Ordinary People it is unknown if the family will survive, since the mother left after the father accused her of being cold, uncaring about him and the remaining son. He didn't know if he could continue to love her. In this movie, the parents seemed to be able to reconnect.

Buffy...what's your damage?


But don't you think he gave up instead of clinging to the boat like his younger brother? He was tired, but it appeared he was the stronger of the two, which he wasn't in the end imo.

Buffy...what's your damage?


Ordinary People is partly about what survivors go through when someone else doesn't make it. There was a suicide in the movie but the brothers drowning in Lake Michigan wasn't looked on as a suicide.


Yes, I see. It just struck me odd that the more physically fit couldn't hang on. But maybe his position to the storm hindered his ability.

Your second life is never like your first. Sometimes it's even better


It was pretty similar, but Ordinary People was better.

This movie wasn't that bad, though (and I love Emile Hirsch, so I might be biased).

Who wants to live forever?
