Korean movies are great

I have now seen Tale of Two Sisters, Wishing Stairs and Into the Mirror. None did disappoint me. Maybe the Korean movies have higher standard than Japanese :)
At least I have been disappointed quite a few times when watching Japanese horrors.


That's because your eyes consist of two squishy/cussiony body parts that point completely in the wrong direction...oh, wait...your butt-cheeks...


I reccomend Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, it's the best Korean film i've seen.

"Flatley my dear, I don't Riverdance!" - Sir Alan of Partridge


I would reccomend 'Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...and Spring' as well as 'BRotherhood of War', 'Oasis', 'Friend' and...well I could go on for awhile.



Now try the monster-movie "The Host' and the incredible "OldBoy" if you haven't seen them.

They've just done a US. remake of the beautiful "A Tale of Two Sisters" ... why?

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


Korean Horror is great


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



Chan-wook Park's entire Revenge Trilogy which includes:

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance


Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

are all excellent films.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


Seconded. But Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is the least awesome of the 3 :)



Seconded. But Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is the least awesome of the 3 :)

I absolutely agree. Oldboy being the best.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


I like Lady Vengeance better :)


Basically, all 3 are about justice. The justice in #1 (Mr.V) is not quite wholly deserved. The justice in #2 (Oldboy) is deserved, but too much. The justice in #3 (Lady V) is deserved, and just the right amount. It's as if the whole trilogy is about vigilante justice, with each movie's justice being more just, measured, and proper than the last.

1st movie - they didn't even do it really, it was the retard
2nd movie - Yea, he tattled on someone else committing incest, but that's not a 15yr / *beep* your daughter / hvae your life destroyed offense
3rd movie - Yea, he totally deserved it, and the people who deserved to have their vengeance.. GOT it. That's just too perfect for me to enjoy.

Oldboy is amazing, though.



TYPO! I mean "too perfect for me *NOT* to enjoy", haha.


Yeah, that's a good point. I never really thought of it like that. I guess I gravitate to Oldboy being the best because the intensity of the f*&ked-up-ness of it all is so high it really takes you on a ride. But to be quite honest with you I really, really, like Lady Vengeance . Not just for the story but I think Park's artistic ability really shines in this film with both cinematography and illustration of metaphors. A truly remarkable film and may in fact be better than Oldboy.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


Yea, it was the *beep* of Oldboy that turned me on to the trilogy (it was the 1st one I saw). It's definitely the weirdest of the 3. It's nice that there are actually agreeable people on IMDB :) I really, REALLY like them both too!! :)



It's nice that there are actually agreeable people on IMDB :)

My God, tell me about it! It seems that this place is a haven for trolls and bickering. Now if I can only get my friends to watch sub-titled foreign films...

By the way have you watched any other of Park's films? I have seen Thirst and I'm a Cyborg But It's OK . They were both decent films although I did not enjoy them as much as the revenge films.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


I only saw Thirst, and didn't like it NEARLY as much as the other ones. I mean, it was just a slightly better than average vampire flick.



I only saw Thirst, and didn't like it NEARLY as much as the other ones. I mean, it was just a slightly better than average vampire flick.

I agree with you 100%. In fact I gave it a 6 outta 10 stars here at imdb.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


I think that's what I gave it too :)




They really excel at romantic films too, like The Classic and A Moment To Remember and Ditto.

Just watched Blind (2011) tonight with Kim Ha Neul and that was a great film. Loved it!
