Im in this movie

My friends and i were extras in the movie "The Extra"


I've never been an extra in a movie but it sounds like it could be fun.

I have a question for you. I read somewhere Eric Bana was going to be in this film, possibly just a cameo sort of thing. Do you by any chance know?






Thanks for replying. I had read a short article on another website that stated he was going to be in the movie.



He's not in the movie. I saw it today.



How did you get to see the movie in advance? Id love to see it. Im only going to see this movie cause i am addicted to Lano and Woodley, and Colins gng to be in it and i cant wait to see what he does in it. I know he plays an extra but yeah......

and also it will be interesting to see Rhys and Bob in it...





I saw the trailer for this movie and I thought it looks really funny!!! IM looking forward to it....I LURVE the irish accent!!


i'm sure more than 5 people would have ssen it, if eric bana was in it!


Yes I believe you that you were in this moive

*Chuckles under breath*



That's what I said don't wear it out

Ugh that sounded stupid what I just said


are you being sarcastic about it? because not only was she in the movie but so was I! the filming was in march at the forum theatre and at the arts centre in melbourne!


I see



I'm in this movie too!!




Everyone's in this movie.




I'm kicking myself that I didn't get to go (although I registered for 2 of the nights filming). When I saw the closing credits I was kicking myself even more because I saw that my name would have been first in the credits!

...but anyhoo.

Did you get the invite for Mick Molloy's film? I've registered for 2 days this week.



...then keep an eye out for BoyTown (scheduled for release 2006)


I was in it too :-) And I'm not one o' the liars that say they were, I really was... But I was cut out lol... I know how he feels at the start of the movie

