Straight Guys

Isn't there a chance for Straight Guy to kiss another Guy? Even they both are Straight?Or maybe one of them is Gay. But,Is that possible for A Straight Guy to give his love to another guy??


ive seen very drunk str8 guys do alot of gay stuff that they owuld never admit to



"I don't think it's a big deal for a straight guy to kiss another guy (gay or straight) as long as none of his buddies ever found out about it. I think straight guys are totally capable of feeling real affection and even love for another guy. That doesn't imply that those feelings are sexual, though. I don't think he would talk about feeling affection for another guy very much -if at all- but it's completely possible."

You know what they say - - - "Spaghetti's straight too --------------

------------------- until it hits hot water." ;-)

"The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on."


Kudos for asking a very complicated question and there is no easy answer to it. Some people believe you can fall in love with someone regardless of gender. As for myself, I always fall in love with men...and I'm gay.

But the world is so diverse and it is so fcking hard to categorize everything in specific groups.

The only thing I can tell you...if you're still out there wondering...6 years later...just enjoy love life and don't let anyone EVER tell you who to love!

Has anyone ever told you you're as boring as you are ugly?
