the intern

Where does this little intern get his set??


i didn't like the intern. he was sitting right next to jeffrey and just kissing his ass, and he's only an intern, why the hell would he be at that meeting, and have such an important role in "trying to get the restaurant to make money"? he's just an intern and they give him such an important job!


did you happen to notice the intern & Jeffrey have the same last name?? also he called him Uncle Jeffery at one point


I must have missed him call him Uncle Jeffrey.
No wonder Drew thought he could do what ever he wanted too. (like go behide the bar, irrate Rocco, Talk down to the staff)

Words & Music Words & Music.~ Eddie Wilson from Eddie & Cruisers


i don't like that little weasel. i thought rocco should of stuffed him in one of his ovens...give him a little scare.


I can't believe he called Rocco a Duche bag! Who does that??? It was sooo sweet to watch him get fired on tv!! Rocco should have kicked his ass!



Yeah, that was so stupid of him. Calling Rocco a Duche Bag, on the phone, with a camera filming, and not thinking it will come back to haunt him?

Stupid little 20 year old prick won't get far in life with that attitude. I hope that was scripted for ratings, because that intern came out looking like crap.

J handled that situation very well and looked like my boss in the way he told him what he did wrong (name calling), how it looks bad on "their side", how there shouldn't be sides, and to have a nice life.


I agree. Who says that with cameras rolling? Who even wants to give millions of people the impression that you're a total ass?

Don't you think it's funny that Rocco calls Jeffrey, "Jeffrey Omarosa"? LOL


Did anyone else notice that he said that he'd been in the restaurant business for 15 years... and he's 20! Hanging around with Uncle Jeffrey at a restaurant when you're 5 doesn't really cut it as "being in the business."
I also really enjoyed that he couldn't get a cab after Rocco kicked him out. : P



Hahaha. I know Drew. I'm not close to him. I've never hung out with him. I was in a few of classes with him at UD's HRIM program; either one or two before the show, perhaps one during, and then one more after in my final semester. I never really watched the show while it first aired.

Just FYI, most of the people in the Hospitality industry ARE arrogant, bullsh!ting d-bags who don't know SQUAT about the industry or how to handle human beings as employees, and merely move up in the world by schmoozing, kissing ass, and then backstabbing. Watching "The Restaurant" is merely a case study of the industry and how primitive it practices still are even in the 21st century. Well, after all, it is the oldest industry next to prostitution.

So, Drew is totally right: Rocco IS Captain D-Bag. However, Drew and many other worthless sh!ts in Hospitality are immature, know-nothing jackasses. The industry needs to change.

"Then where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within."
