what was this shot on

it looks like 16mm or super 8 to me

anyone know

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


A little late, but whatever.
OK, so I have only seen the trailer to this movie, and the only reason I am reading/replying to your post is because I was watching the directors newer movie, and wanted to see what else he had done, and this movie's name looked familiar.

Anyway, so going by the trailer and some other factors, I can at least narrow it down a bit. The first thing I can tell you is that it says the budget was only $7,500BP. The film stock is generally included in the budget, esp on these indie movies, and there is no way they could afford like 1200 feet of 35mm film, so if it was film, and I am going to say that in 2002, there wasn't any digital cameras that could make a picture that good. So it's def not 8mm, not crappy enough for 8mm. If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that it probably is either 16mm or super 16mm, using a 35mm lens. I am going to go with 16mm and 35mm lens, because I think that super 16 would still be too much on the $7.5k budget.
