Release Dates?

Any release dates for this movie yet?



I'm wondering the same thing, I check back here a lot... I live in Centerville so I am totally interested. I heard that the people who made the movie had money stolen from them or something, but that could be nothing but a rumor. I hope everything works out and it's out soon.


Money was stolen?

Probably by some freak meth-heads so they can score another fix.


I was just talking to one of the actors in the movie Monday night, and he mentioned that he is flying out to NY for the Tribeca Film Festival as "Iowa" will be showing there.


I was an extra in this movie! I got $12 to bowl for a couple hours. Anyone know when this movie is coming out? I read somewhere it should be on Video and DVD sometime soon?


I would have been willing to fly to NYC for this one but unfortunately, I didn't hear about it. Did not see this one at the LA film festival. Isn't crystal meth culture the new thing? someone, please distribute the film...


This movie will be preimiering in Centerville for a week starting September 17th I beleive. So Peace out
