MovieChat Forums > Iowa (2005) Discussion > Iowa Release on DVD?

Iowa Release on DVD?

I tried Netflixing this film, but it's not even on their site. Does anybody have any idea of the availability of the film?



i havent seen anything yet i hope so soon lol i am a Big Jarod(Michael T. Weiss) Fan!!!!


I got a note from Matt Farnsworth in June, that they are aiming for an European release, and that it should be available in the US through Netflicks later this year. So far only a release for South Africa, in time for Christmas, is confirmed. But this company will ship worldwide.

I've seen the movie, and although it is quite graphic, it is a good one!

EFi, prop. of "Ask Dr. Mike"


Koch Entertainment just announced that Matt Farnsworth's film "Iowa" in which Michael T. Weiss plays -very convincingly- a brute and corrupt police officer, will be released on DVD in the US on February 10, 2009.
Pre-order at various on-line stories is already possible. So far, no bonus material is announced.

EFi, propr. of "Ask Dr. Mike"
