Iowa = real life

I found Iowa to be a true example of what happens when people turn to drugs - it becomes their world - illegal drugs are destructive, yet very much a part of the lives of so many. This movie clearly identified the role of a young woman who had a very promising future until drugs took over her life. This movie depicted the reality of a dysfunctional home and absent parents. And yes, it is difficult to watch the young people in the story lose their lives to drugs - the fact of the matter is that it is hard to see reality unfold on screen, just as it is in person - everyone wants a happy ending and as this movie accurately showed, using drugs takes away the happy ending. I think every high school student in America should see this film - think of the lives that could be saved - this movie does not glamorize the use, production or sale of meth. Bravo to the writers, producers and directors for allowing us, the viewers, to take an honest look at this awful side of life. And for the critics, if meth wasn't an issue, why do we now need to provide our signature and drivers license when we purchase what used to be over the counter medication?



I totally agree with you. I live in a very small town in Iowa which has had a reputation for being a number one place to buy meth its very sad what it has done to people in this small town. We once could leave our doors unlocked and not have to worry about being robbed etc. now this town is even to scary to go for a walk late at night in, in the last 3 years we have had numerous meth lab busts (one just two blocks away from my house) and a few old high school friends who ended up in prison for selling them.
