X Files Ubelievable

If a person has done absolutely no research, even if they are half awake must know there is some feasability in the x files.

The x files are written by the CIA and contain actual factual information. They are not allowed to tell us what is going on but they are allowed to share this information in a fictionalized format.

Sheeple will be sheeple. Let them abduct the human race for food while the government treat us as slaves and have exchange for all the tech. Boy are they in for a surprise. As if you can trust these beings that are Satans offspring and care only to destroy mankind.

The efforts to keep people asleep are not working with all of us.


You are a mental case.


You are ignorant and uneducated


I have to agree with Cherzo. Quit spouting cliches.

"Nuzzink in ze vorld can stop me now !"

