Good Film

I have just come back from a screening of this film, Secuestro Express, in Islington. I got a chance to ask the director, Jonathan Jakubowicz, a question, during the question and answer session, and talk to him afterwards.

It is a violent film that is full of intimidation. And it does portray a bleak view of Caracass,Venezuela. But it is very well made. Fast moving with quick cuts.

One thing Jonathan Jakubowicz said was that he showed the first cut, of the film, to Robert Rodriguez and Rodgruez said that the pace of the film was too fast. He then went on to explain how Rodriguez adviced him to slow down the pace in the wide shots. Because, there is plenty going on in the frame for people to see. But to cut quickly in the close-ups. MTV style. Jonathan followed Rodriguez' advice and got an extra 7 minutes worth of film.

Jonathan also said that Rodriguez was editing Sin City at the time and alot of the assistants who worked on Sin City worked on Secuestro Express. And so he picked up alot of useful tips.
