
English Ninja gangs lol...and it's not even a comedy sad.
It almost makes me embarassed to be white. Thank God I'm not English lol.

Plus, this movie has a major Rambo complex: the "hero" has to fight an entire army of "bad guys", and yet he always wins, no matter how many he faces at once, he is indestructible. (Maybe that's why his name is John? lol John Rambo?) Making it even less believible, the actor playing him had the worst fighting skills of all the performers, so he should have lost every fight...

And what was up with John's poetic voice over at the beginning of his fight with Moses? Was he gonna fight him, or date him? "The moon will pull us away" lol or whatever lol.

Ok, I refuse to discuss this horrible film any further. I gave it a 3 out of 10, and I was being nice in doing so. End of story.



Yeah, it was very generous, but I was able to watch the whole film, which I can't say about some others recently, so the 3 reflects more the horriblness of the other films I've seen lately, rather than reflecting anything positive towards The Purifiers. lol
(I can't really think of any positives about The Purifiers, beyond my making it through the whole film lol)


One of the funny parts was that all the "fighters" has the same, weak ass, leg at waist level, roundhouse kick. Didn't anyone think to mix it up a bit?

I felt sorry for the motorcycle chick in white pastic/vinyl. Not only could she not move that much or that quickly, she was probably hot and sweating like a pig in that thing.

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.

