I've seen this before 2004

I've seen this before 2004. I am 22, and I remember first seeing it when I was 8 or 9. This is tripping me out! I can't find any references as to why I knew this movie before it came out in 2004.

Somebody have any answers?




Sorry, but you must be thinking of something else -- like Mickey in Prince and the Pauper maybe. The idea of Mickey in Three Musketeers has been kicking around since the late 40s but this is the only time it got produced.


Heck no, this was on disney channel a long time ago.. back when you had to have a box to watch disney channel...


Um, I worked on the film. We made it in 2003.



Like the original poster, I could have sworn that I'd seen this before, or at least the swashbuckling parts. I don't remember the framing story of a turtle who gets to narrate his comic book thru a mischance, but the evil Captain and the musketeers-by-mistake plot sounded and looked awfully familiar.

Is is possible this started out as a short that was then expanded into a full-length cartoon?


This is an amazin thread!! Can't wait to see the results.

There's nothing up with the audio quality. It's 2008, and that's how we make records.


I think you're right. Maybe I DID mix it up with Prince and the Pauper, but they do look remarkably similar.


I just came here to ask the same question as the OP. I guess it must've been Prince and the Pauper I was thinking of, but, blimey...


One does not simply ROCK their way into Mordor



We've come to the conclusion that The Bird is greater than or equal to The Word.


I remember seeing this movie sometimes in June, 2004 even thought the DVD release was on August, 2004. Perhaps my memory is fuzzy.
Talking about my movie experience in here: http://astarisborn94.livejournal.com/
