MovieChat Forums > Iron Man (2008) Discussion > How close was Schwimmer to getting cast ...

How close was Schwimmer to getting cast as Tony?

Was anyone else really on the shortlist? I heard some loose interest about Cruise too. Don't get me wrong, RDJ is the man!

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DAVID Schwimmer? Good God, that would have been a terrible idea. This film wouldn't have been the same and would have been significantly worse without Robert Downey Jr.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Wtf? Ross was about to become Iron Man? 

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.



Ross: Hi I've been working on a suit that with flight abilities, weaponry and armor to be able to withstand bullets. Like a superhero. Maybe Rachel will love me now.

Joey: No man, no suits. Trust me, I already tried it. I was dating this really hot chick from Slovenia and one time she saw me dressed as Wonder Woman, she stopped talking to me. I don't know, maybe it was the hair".

Chandler: Yeah, Joey, it was the hair.

Ross: But guys, it's gonna work. I still need to mess around more with it, I'll have to put JARVIS up to date.

Chandler: And JARVIS is...?

Joey: Oh yeah, Ross got a dog, he didn't want me to tell you.

Ross: Joey...when did I ever mention anything about getting a dog?

Joey: Oh, WHY did I stay up watching Air Bud?

Ross: JARVIS is an AI that I programmed. He talks and listens and we spent all day yesterday talking about what it would be like to find the right woman.

Chandler: You don't get out much do you?

Joey: Listen Ross, it shouldn't be too hard. Just put on the suit, go on a little flight trip with her and you're good.

Ross: Well I haven;t exactly programmed flying into it yet.

Joey: What??? No flying? You're not a superhero, you're just a...robot sex maker.


I heard it was suppose to be Cruise, but when it came time to do it, he wasn't available. Good thing!

Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!

You bastard!


Been trying to see if they ever made any pre-viz mock-ups. Haven't seen any. They mighta been thinking about h

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


David schwimmer??? Seriously????
Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahaha
