A remake would be cool!

Okay, don't get me wrong I usually despise remakes. I always cringe when my favorite Asian horror flicks are remade. But in the case with the "Red Room" films, I think they would benefit from a bigger budget remake. Heck even just $1 million. I enjoyed the "Red Room" films and thought they were disturbing, well written and darkly comical. I felt they were more gross out satire than exploitation. Some people complain about them being boring, I disagree. The character development is great and you really get to know the contestants, as repulsive as they may be. The cheap shot on video look was the only thing I didn't like. Heck, if these were remade on a slightly bigger scale; I think they'd be better than the "Saw" series. They are so both well written and with shows like "Fear Factor" it seems these films were prophetic. Also the movie "Series 7" reminded me of "Red Room" except more realistic. As disgusting as they are, the "Red Room" films seem to have hidden messages about greed, media exploitation and Japanese culture. They are much smarter than they are given credit for. It would make an interesting discussion in a film class, or maybe I'm just crazy?


(I sent you a PM) Do you know where I can score some Jakubisko?


They carry DVD-R's of Jakubisko's films at www.allcluesnosolutions.com


Thanks. Let me know if you know where to find ‘The Bee Millennium’. That’s the one I’m most hanging for. Also, I recommended ‘Gaja Gamini’ (under a different username at the time) and you gave it the thumbs up so I’ll recommend another Indian film (even though I’m not Indian) that you may not be aware of, ‘Nagin’ (1964). If you like Troma and B-Grade stuff (emphasis being on the latter), you’ll love it. If you want other recommendations, just let me know.


I have no idea, where you can find a good copy of "the Millenium Bee". But thanks for recommending "Nagin". I'm personally looking forward to "Bathory"; it's supposed to get a region 2 DVD release in May.



Miike would be perfect for a bigger budgeted "Red Room" sequel. I guess the low budget video quality makes it look more like a reality show. I've never heard of the "Prize of Peril" I'll have to check that out. Thanks!


Looks like you kind of got your wish:


With the guy who wrote and directed the anime Golden Boy at the helm and Vampire Girl from the Sushi Typhoon menagerie as part of it? Sounds like my kind of movie.


What the hell happened? This was never released.


It definitely came out:


It was a direct to video affair and didn't have the higher profile for US importation that the Sushi Typhoon movies had, though, so I don't think it's been licensed for US release.


Interesting. Looks a lot less sleazy than the original, judging from the trailer.
