
I couldn't finish this movie. I made it to just after the part where they started the King Game with three people instead of four (maybe like 20 minutes into the film?).

The opening scene of this movie should have clued me in as to what it was all about, but I decided to give it more of a chance, which was obviously a big mistake. I started getting upset at the part where the dude beats up his wife, and then I just couldn't take it anymore when he started in on the other girl. Rape scenes in movies make me extremely uncomfortable and edgy, but I can usually handle it (such as I Spit on Your Grave, surprisingly). This movie, however, just put me over the edge. Maybe it was the way it was filmed, maybe it was the disgusting sound effects, who knows?

I may have missed the point of the film, or a pinnacle scene or something, but it just wasn't worth it to me.

I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone.


it's a movie to test peoples limits, of course there's going to be rape and murder, no ones going to pay 10,000YEN to watch people have a picnic.
daisuki yamanouchi (if that's how you spell his name) is a horrific director and his film are definitely not for everyone.

i didn't like ISOYG, i thought it was really horrible and maybe because it's because i saw it at such a young age, but i think RR is quite a fun movie and you get involved in each the characters as they're all so different and wonder how far they will actually go to win the game. Whereas ISOYG was just dirty and not enjoyable at all.

either way i loved the RR films, i thought they were a sweet idea which was really simple but there's endless possibilities to what can happen, which is explored in the sequel.

i would love to see a RR3!!!

Attack Of The Giant Midget.


WDYGFY...why don't you go....you can guess the rest.


If you're squeamish why watch films of this ilk? Stick to rom coms like my partner, can't even watch a formulaic horror movie with her without her hiding behind a cushion! but seriously, the squishy sound effects were well over the top, but to me this seemed like a far eastern answer to the SAW franchise,but on a lower budget.Now back to Bambi 4 me lol.


I gave it a 1. I thought it was abysmally stupid and not even remotely realistic. I know this genera and "get" that it's supposed to be over the top but the characters were WAY to unbelievable and stupid and the acts were too. I mean really? For 10,000,000 yen someone is gonna drop out 'cause they can't take being spun in a chair for 5 minutes? I'd do it for $20.00!! One example of the stupidity.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
