Marcos or Dan?

Who do you think Zoe should go for? I personally think Marcos. They are both cute though. What does everyone think?


Wow !!! What a choice to have to make!! But I agree, they are both totally adorable. When Chris is on I think "oh, she's gotta pick him". But when Bronson is on...!!! And it's not just that thy're cute-they're great guys too. Ooooo baby! Tell ya what-I'LL take whoever she doesn't (gladly)


I'd vote for Dan. But hopefully not all too soon.


Dan absolutely. Marcos is sweet and nice, but not exactly trusting or understanding if you think about it. I mean Zoe had valid reasons for cancelling that weekend trip, and he not only was not understanding he jumped to conclusions without asking for explanation. He sure moved on quick enough. Meanwhile Dan is just sitting patiently on the side lines.


I think she should choose Dan. He is cuite. I hope he gets to do real work rather than just do paper work all the time. He needs to do stuff like he did in Kung-Fu: The Legond Continues.


Dan may be waiting on the sidelines, but he's not just biding his time. He's seeing the lovely and (possibly too young) Janelle.


True, but Dan wasn't dating Zoe - Marcos was.

"Nature created humans, unfortunately, humans created human nature." - me


Though I've only seen a few episodes of the show I'm partial to Dan. COuld be just cause I had a crush on Chris when he was on Kung Fu The Legend Continues.


Chris (Dan) absolutely!!! He's Canadian - the best there is!


WHO CARES...its a tv show...


Absolutely DAN!!!


Dan he is like so cute be then again so is Marcos but I think I like dAn way better




i vote for chris (dan) but that might be because i liked him so much as Tom Ryan on Silk Stalkings? I agree that Marcos was too quick to pick up another "travel buddY" with out even asking what was going on...but she did put him off a little too much.

"those are my thoughts not yours" ~dave hunter


That's one of the most comprehensible reasons I've ever heard. *g* Tom's still one of my favorite characters. But Dan is great too. At least he is not too shallow. He's smart, he's funny and he has a dark past. What more can we wish for?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
